Chapter 6

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So that thing on my neck moves.

Yep, after I finished my shower I got dressed in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. Then I checked out the thing in the mirror again and after freaking out (again) after it moved for the first (technically second) time, it got braver. Now it's currently in a leaning position on my neck and I'm looking at it in the mirror.

"So," I started. "You wouldn't happen to know where the guy who put you in me is, right?" The ghoulish looking creature shrugged. I nodded.

"Right. Well, do you know why there are those red lines on my neck? Is it filled with my blood or the poison?" It cocked it's head to the side.

"You know, Devil's Poison? The thing that's going to kill me?" I carried on. It shook its hooded head.

"Is that, like, a 'no-its-not-poison'? Or a 'no-I'm-not-going-to-die'?" It just stared at me. I couldn't actually tell since it didn't have eyes but it felt like it was. I'm gonna go with that.

"I can't believe I'm talking to a 2D picture," I muttered. Almost immediately there was a sting from my neck. It only lasted a second though, and I had the vague notion that it didn't want to hurt me. I pulled my hoodie back up and hid it from view.

Despite not seeing it, I knew that it was there and it was strangely comforting.

Time to go find a supervillain.


I've already gone through lunch and two snack breaks, and still haven't found the house again.

I packed a small hiking bag with food and a satellite phone, just in case. Ghoul, as I decided to call the figure on my neck, could travel all around my body. Ghoul was currently on my hand and I preferred it that way. I felt less alone.

I stepped down from the rock I was previously sitting on. It was around three in the afternoon now and I was feeling sleepy for my afternoon nap. I had made every tree I've come across curl one branch into a spiral. I didn't want to get lost. Again.

"Well, Ghoul," I said down to it. "Looks like we should just give up and go home." I could feel it giving me a judgy look. Don't know how and by this point, I don't really care.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not your average superhero, okay?"

As I walked on, I became aware of a burning smell. Wait, didn't that villain from yesterday... burn the... something including fire happened yesterday, I was sure.

I moved on and soon enough I entered a clearing.

This is it.

In the middle was a an ashy mess. There were glints of melted metal amongst the wreckage and I assumed that it was the fancy stuff from inside.

How high must the temperature have been to melt all of —

A knife was at my throat. 


I tensed up and my neck started stinging again. I had to clench my fists at my sides to avoid reaching up to rub it.

So now you wanna hide, I felt like screaming out at Ghoul.

"Who are you!?" A voice shouted directly into my ear and I winced. This caused the knife to cut my skin open. It stung.

The stinging pain on my neck got worse.

"I-I mean no harm," I got out.

"Bullshit," the person behind me hissed. They sounded faintly familiar.

Superheroes Are Boringحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن