Chapter 29

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If there was anyone teacher Sakura hated more than Professor Lockhart; it was Professor Umbridge. The woman was incredibly unpleasant to be around. From the reeking perfume to the obnoxious amount of pink which even Sakura couldn't appreciate, she was easy to dislike.

Then there was the unnerving feeling Sakura had around the woman. The fact that she couldn't get within a few metres from the woman before she felt the need to flee. The fact that when she was near her, she felt like she was being stared at and judged in a way she'd never felt before.

Of course, she'd given her a few days grace, after all, even Sakura had to acknowledge her appearance was rather abnormal in this world. But the fact that the woman's eyes lingered on her slight frame was too unnerving.

That was probably the reason Sakura made it her mission to actively avoid the pink-clothed woman. During the meals in which the teachers shared before the year began, she would seat herself between Snape and professor Trelawny at the other end of the table.

So when the term started that year, Sakura was greatly relieved that the stares lessened. Instead, the stuck-up woman turning the majority of her unwanted attention towards the-boy-who-lived. The stares that lingered on Cedric Diggory -dubbed at the-boy-who-survived by his peers- were not unnoticed either.


As per usual, the first day back at Hogwarts began with the sorting of the new students. The hat calling out houses to the seemingly endless list of students whose names would be long forgotten by the end of the evening.

Shortly after the sorting had finished, Dumbledore rose to speak, "Good evening children. Now we have two changes in staff this year. We're pleased to welcome back professor Grubbly-plank, who will be taking charge of Care of Magical Creatures whilst Hagrid is on temporary leave. 

"We also wish to welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge. And I'm sure, you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr Filch, has asked me to remind you--" 

The man was cut off by the new Defence teacher herself who rose to speak -much to the disapproval of the rest of the staff. Either way, the room remained deathly silent as the woman walked forward.

"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome and how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." the silence of the room causing the twins snarky, "That's likely" to be heard by all those in the room. Sakura watching in amusement, green eyes revealing her desire to laugh at the boys.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young Witches and Wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historical school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what needs to be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prune practises that ought to be prohibited."

The woman giggled to herself before walking away, Dumbledore encouraging polite applause for the woman as she returned to her seat. The rest of the school, whilst they did applaud, it was apparent that they did not truly appreciate the unexpected lecture.

"Thank you, Professor Umbridge, that really was the most illuminating. Now, as I was saying, magic is forbidden in corridors and the forbidden forest remains out of bounds. Now that the serious information is out of the way, let the feast continue."

The students instantly returned to their filled plates, happy chatter filling the ancient hall as they discussed the happenings of their holidays. Sakura turning to the dreamy Trelawney, excited to talk to the spacey woman.

The feast ended an hour or two later. The candles which hung from the ceiling dimming to a dull glow as students departed from the room. Sakura leaping to her feet, skipping over to the Slytherin table, eager to catch up with Draco. 

The memories of her mission, although clear in her mind, were not the purpose of her visit. After all, she hadn't seen the blonde boy since Hogwarts closed for the holidays and she missed him. Unbeknownst to her, Draco had been feeling the same way, not that he'd tell her, Malfoy's weren't sentimental like that.

Either way, Sakura was more than happy to tackle Draco into a hug from behind, the boy only just managing to stay upright. Crabbe and Goyle along with who she believed to be Pansy Parkison and Blaise Zabini, turning to watch. "Hey there Draco! Haven't seen you in yearsss!!" Sakura exclaimed loudly causing the few remaining students to turn and give them odd looks.

"Nice to see you too, Sakura." the boy grumbled, the unimpressed face he shot her being seen through instantly. Sakura couldn't help grinning, Malfoy missed her too! 

"What did you do during your holiday? Hagrid took me to Romania where I met Ron's brother. He looks after dragons there, you know? It was so cool. Then Snape took me to Japan. Said something about learning of my heritage or something--"

Sakura turned to see Draco losing interest as he picked up the pace. Scowling, Sakura leapt forwards, rugby tackling the boy to the ground causing him to groan in pain. "Listen when I'm talking to you or I'll go hang out with Harry. At least he listens to me." Sakura pouted, crossing her arms as she looked away.

Watching in hidden amusement as Draco's face twisted to one of disapproval and poorly hidden hatred, Sakura rose to 'go look for Harry'. It was so easy to push Draco's buttons and his responses were priceless. The boy instinctively pulling Sakura to the ground when she began to leave, "Don't go looking for that loser. I'll listen to your story if it means that much to you."

Draco mentally scowled at himself. This was so weird, he felt so out of character around Sakura. Normally, he wouldn't care if somebody left, of course, he'd never accept losing to Potter, but this was different. For some reason, he enjoyed the girl's presence... 

No. He thought to himself as he shook off those thoughts, bad Draco. He had to focus on the task at hand and he couldn't let himself get distracted, despite how easy Sakura made it.

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