Chapter 4: Packages

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Levi's POV

"I know what happened to that omega, Erwin." I growled in a solitude place. My voice was low, but it was far away from any potential witnesses. "Perkins has her."

"Good. We have a kidnapping pinned on him now. Unfortunately, we do not need that. How far are you on collecting evidence on the unethical experiments? Close? Not so close? Are we gonna fail your case?"

"Calm down! My informant is slowly getting there. This undercover work takes time to retrieve answers. It's not like we get it instantly. I need to gain Perkins' trust over me and my informant's true trust. Unlike you, you're not me and you don't understand it at all."

Behind the phone, I can hear his chuckles through the grainy sound. "True trust? Speaking of the informant, who is it? If you have your informant in there... we need to be prepared to protect them. You have informed them about what they were getting into?"

"Yes. I told her everything."


Growling a bit, I took the phone away from my ear as I quietly slipped her gender through. Now I would never get away from it because Erwin is always gonna hold it to me. After taking a few breaths, I put the phone back by my ear and sighed. "Yes, her. Now, just leave it. My informant knows everything she got herself into."

"I need to put it on your record on what informant you have. Who is it?"

"Her name is Hanji- an omega."

"Omega... is she being tested?"

"Lately? No. But she's the closest I've ever gotten in this case. It was somewhat of an accident that I found her... but I'm glad of it."

"Good." Erwin sighed a bit, and I could tell he was shaking his head and massaging his forehead. "I'll be down tomorrow to get more info and to give you something that may help."

With a heavy sigh, I nodded and accepted it. "What time and where?"

Erwin was silent for a few seconds before answering back. "At Pecki's Bar, 9 pm. Be a bit causal and act like a playboy. We can't be suspicious when we meet." And he hung up after that. Quietly, I walked towards the mansion and configured a simple lie.

*   *   *

Hanji's POV

"M-Master Perkins?" I asked in the nicest voice as I possibly can as he wandered in my room- almost examining it. "What owes me the pleasure of having you in my presence?"

"The new omega is resisting, and all the other omegas have been tested already. Lay on the bed." He growled heavily as I nodded and laid on my back. I knew it was painless... but it was for science, as he said. Levi was also gonna rescue all of us... "I need to test it on you, so behave."

I nodded and winced when he inserted the syringe into my skin and slowly pumped the serum into my bloodstream. After a few minutes, I felt like nothing, but stayed still. Was it working? Was it not working? Master Perkins just watched and observed me. He slowly wrote something down before he called someone on his walkie-talkie, and Levi appeared minutes after.

"S-Sir...?" I whispered softly, beginning to pant heavily. 

Master Perkins chuckled, looking towards Levi. "Well... I see what that serum now does."

"What?" Levi growls gently, looking at me. I can tell he was trying to control his breaths... and controlling himself because he was squeezing his hands. His gray eyes were looking all over me as I fell deeper into my heat. "What does it do?"

"Mr. Ackerman," Master Perkins chuckles as he looked at me, "This new serum... it does stop an omega's heat. The unfortunate side effect is that the omega will go into heat when they find someone they... either loved, attracted, or mated. I suspected that you two slept on the night of the party... what I didn't expect is this, Mr. Ackerman. You're welcome to use the serum to... enhance your nights with her. Just tell me and I'll give it to you. For now, I'm getting her blood and testing it to see how her cells are working with the serum." 

Master Perkins then used another small syringe to draw my blood. I winced and groaned a bit, seeing Levi twitch as I did so. "Hurry it up..."

"Forgive me, Mr. Ackerman. Forgive me." He then wrapped up taking my blood and smirked towards Levi. "Go and have your fun. I won't disturb her anymore if it means to make you happy."

I gulped a bit when he left the room, leaving me with Levi. Quietly, I heard Levi growling gently and I let a small whimper through. "L-Levi-"

Quick as lightening, Levi pushed me into the bed and his growled towards me. "He used you... dammit..."

"Levi, it's alright... I promise..."

"How is it alright? It's not." In his voice, I heard him groan heavily as he looked down at me. Sweat dripped from my face as my heat kept accelerating more and more.  "Now... I'm gonna have to fix this and get you out of this."

"Then help me... Levi..."

"Dammit..." He groans before biting into my neck and his hands were running down my sides.

*   *   *

Perkins' POV

"M-Master Perkins..." Betty's hands were shaking as she was handing Hanji's blood examination. Her breathing was heavy, and yet... she was not in heat. My serum worked on her. Her smell wasn't strong or anything... so it couldn't be omega related.

"What is it?"

She shook her head as the paper flew into my hands. I looked at it, and suddenly realized why Betty was shaking. "Master Perkins... what should we do? If this keeps up... she will give birth to the baby and we can't raise it without a reason or a how. The federal agents will find us and arrest you."

"Do what you want." I growled, thinking of it being the Ackerman's child. "Don't let her or the Ackerman know, understood? If they know, they'll be resistant."


Betty walked out with her hands shaking as I couldn't stop thinking about the results. Her... pregnant. This affects... everything. Damn that Ackerman... damn it all...

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