Chapter 7: Betrayal

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Hanji's POV

"Hanji, just act normal." Levi says with a smile and kissing me gently on the cheek. His hands were gripping on my hands and putting me close- but not too close to hurt my stomach. Levi's soft chuckles were so comforting. "Just act normal..."

"Levi, what's happening?"

"Don't worry," He chuckles, "Hanji, I promise... just act normal." With that, I nodded my head and kissed him goodbye before returning to my duties. His words just echoed in my head and I had no idea what was gonna happen... it was just... weird for him to say that. Of all days, he chose to tell me to act normal? I've been acting normal...

*   *   *

"Hanji." I turned to see Perkins walking towards me at noon- the time he normally eats his lunch. The way he stared at me- I could tell it was just purely an alpha's eyes. They glinted with hatred and anger- the most qualities an alpha could have. "Hanji, I need to ask you something."

I nodded my head, slowly putting my towels down and looking straight at him. Levi told me to act normal, so I smiled gently and gave a small curtsy bow. "Yes, Master Perkins?"

When my eyes were closed for just a moment, I felt his firm hands on my shoulders- scaring me. Jumping just a bit and my voice was quivering, I opened my eyes to see him staring deeply. A deep growl quietly escaped from his throat as he stared. "Is there something I should know?"

"M-Master Perkins?"

"Omega... listen to me... is there something I should know?" He growls between his sentences as he firmly grips onto my shoulder- squeezing it. "Like Levi?"

I shook my head, getting full of fear. There was no way that he would've known my little back-stabbing. "N-No, Master Perkins."

He nods his head, growling more. "I see... I see."

"Master Perkins, what's wrong?"

His eyes darted around and he sighs as he gave up. His alpha tensions were still up in the air, but I think I managed to calm his temper. "Someone's betraying me. People in high power pointed out that some agents are crawling their way towards me. They're suspecting your little lover."

Seconds after, Betty runs in, breathing heavily. "M-Master Perkins!"

"What is it?"

"They're here! They've broken through the gate!"

Perkins growled and stared at me with pure anger. "Levi Ackerman did it. I know it." With an iron grip, he grips my arm and stares me down. "And you're gonna watch him die. Come with me." I resisted so hard, but an alpha was no match for a pregnant omega like me. I had to obey... and silently prayed for Levi to come and get me.

*   *   *

Perkins quickly put some nose plugs in his nose and quickly assembled a syringe. Soft whimpers came from me as I saw it. He locked us in a supply room, and there was only one entrance. Perkins thought of it clearly: he's gonna use me as a bait and lure Levi in. I knew what the syringe was... that specific color can never leave my eyes.

That golden, shimmering serum in the syringe made me fearful of what Perkins was planning. "Come and lure your little lover, my omega." On that note, he subdues me and inserts the serum into my arm. I winced and immediately felt the heat attack coming onto me. "I had this adjusted to your needs, my omega. Now, it'll be strong- especially to your lover..."

I wanted to scream and shout for Levi- but I couldn't do it. The heat overtook me and I just grunted in place. My baby was safe in me, and I rubbed my stomach. All I could think of was Levi and he would be coming soon.

*   *   *

Levi's POV

"Erwin, I don't have a clue on where she is!" I growled to him when his forces broke through the gate. "If your team grazes a bullet on her, I'll-"

"We'll be careful."

"I mean it-" And suddenly, I smelled that honey-scent. Immediately, I knew it was Hanji's smell when she was in heat. My eyes gazed back into the house and I knew that she couldn't have instantly fall into a heat like that. It was... forced.

Erwin picked it up too, and growled. His eyes looked down at me and nodded, "Go ahead." 

Without a second word or a notion, I ran off into the building and tracking that scent. I knew it was a trap... and I didn't care. If I didn't rescue her, I would never keep her trust. My baby was with her... and I did love her. She was no fling that I had- she was all that I had.

*   *   *

Her strong scent were wavering from behind the door and I could smell a faint alpha scent. No doubt it was Perkins. I growled and tried to find another way in- and I found it. A ventilation shaft and it led straight into the room. Carefully and as quietly as possible, I crawled into there and tried to attack without hurting Hanji.

When I peeled back the vents, I saw Perkins holding Hanji back... and she was sweating like crazy. Her shortened breath and her rubbing her stomach with care. Perkins kept his eyes on the door, and I gazed down to Hanji. Her bright smile when she saw me... I put my finger to my mouth to shush her, and motioned for her to cover her ears. She did so.

Readying my gun, it clicked and forced Perkins to turn around. It was too late...

"Dammit..." I say, shooting him immediately- but he dodges it. Within a few seconds, he ran towards me and pulled me down from the vent. My eyes went straight to Hanji when Perkins had me. "Run!"

She struggled to get up and run due to her heat- and I growled to see her struggle. "Oh, tried to get rid of me... huh?" Perkins chuckled, pushing me back with such a force. "I won't go down without a fight!"

"Tch..." I growled and pushed Perkins away. My gun was useless and I couldn't use it anymore. If I do use it, Hanji could get in the crossfire... I didn't want her or the baby hurt. So we just started to fight with fists. 

We fought for a few minutes, and I did come out with a couple of bruises. It all ended with me knocking Perkins out and I immediately ran to Hanji. Her overbearing scent... how it reminded me of that day. That day when I fell for her... that single day...

"Levi..." I carried her outside, only to see Erwin running down with people. They all stared at Hanji, and I growled at them. "Levi..."

"Hold on, Hanji. I got you." I say, kissing her cheek and staring off to Erwin. "He's unconscious at the moment. Call me for anything." I say, stomping off away with Hanji in my arms. I just walked her away to the room that Perkins gave me... and we wouldn't stop for hours. Just laying there... and enjoying a "job well done."

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