Tall Boy and Short Boy

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Y/n= your name
F/n= friend's name
L/n= last name

I walked to a local Dairy Queen with my best friend, f/n. We were starving and Dairy Queen is our favorite, and luckily there's one close to our houses.

I pulled the door open and we ordered our food before we went to find a table. "Where should we sit?" I asked f/n. "Ooh, let's sit by those cuties." She whispered pointing to 2 boys around our age sitting across from each other. They both had dark curly hair, one of them was taller and skinnier with almost black curly hair, the one facing away from me was shorter with a bit lighter brown hair. The taller boy made awkward eye contact with me for a second before f/n started pulling me towards them.

We sat at the table across the aisle from them, and I sat facing the shorter boy. "Holy shit." I whispered, "He is really cute." F/n giggled, "Damn, you never call anyone cute, he must really be." That's true, I'm picky when it comes to guys, but he was perfect. He had perfect fluffy, wavy brown hair, freckles painting his face, and brown eyes that made me melt. He was a perfect height too, I don't like too tall, and he was perfect, only a few inches taller than me. "Damn, look at the tall one." F/n said to me, practically drooling. I looked over to him trying not to look too suspicious. His hair was dark brown with tighter curls, he had the same adorable freckles but he had darker eyes, almost black, that stared directly into your soul. He was taller, like I said. A bit too tall for me since I'm only 5'3, but f/n likes tall boys.

"We have to talk to them. I've never seen boys like him around here." F/n said, staring at the taller boy. "What do we say?" I whispered back. "I don't know, let's just introduce ourselves." She said before getting up and marching over to them. She's always been much more bold than me.

I went after her quickly. "Hey, are you guys new here?" She asked, leaning on their table. "No, we just don't get out much. We can't really go anywhere without being recognized." The tall boy said. F/n and I looked at each other for a few seconds before she turned back to them. "Sorry, are you guys like, celebrities? I don't watch a lot of t.v." She asked. "I mean I guess you could say that. We're in It and I'm in Stranger  Things. I'm Finn Wolfhard, and that's Jack Grazer." Finn said. "Holy shit! I knew you looked familiar! I love It! You guys really changed a lot." I said to them. They laughed, "Well, what's your names?" Jack asked. "I'm y/n, and that's f/n." I said nearly getting lost in Jack's beautiful eyes. "Can I get your number? You guys seem chill." Jack asked. "Yes! I mean.. yeah sure." I said awkwardly. Jack handed me his phone and I put in my number before handing it to f/n to put her number. Finn handed me his phone next and I did the same. "We better get going, we're going to a party at Wyatt's tonight. We're in charge of snacks, he'll kill us if we're late." Finn laughed. "Ok, cool. I'll text you guys later." I said. Jack got up and as he walked away his hand grazed against mine. I watched him walk away while biting my lip.

"What the fuck just happened. We did not just give our numbers to celebrities. And they fucking think we're chill!" F/n said excitedly. "Yes we did! And they're soo hot! Jesus, we need to hang out with them." I replied.

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