Chapter 4

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I shuffled through my makeup before pulling out my favorite lipstick and applying it carefully. Tonight was my first date with Jack, and it just happened to be a triple date with Finn and f/n, and Wyatt and Erin.

I played with my curled hair a bit more, before walking out of the bathroom. I put on my shoes and texted Finn since f/n and I were getting a ride from him.

Me: when will you be here

Finn: like 20 minutes

Me: ok just text me when you're here

Finn: ok. Do you know how Jack's gonna get there?

Me: I think his mom is giving him a ride

Finn: ok I'll text him just to make sure

I set my phone down before deciding to paint my nails before they got to my house. I painted them yellow and black to match Jack's, even though they didn't go with my dress.

By the time I was done and I had them perfect, I got a text from Finn saying he was here. I sighed before grabbing my bag and heading for the door. "Have fun!" My mom yelled as I walked out.

I opened the back door of Finn's car and scooted to the middle, I was lonely in the back since f/n and Finn were both sitting up front. "Hey guys!" I greeted them, putting a hand on each of their shoulders. "Hey y/n! I missed you." F/n said, it had been a while since we'd seen each other, since Wyatt's party actually. "I missed you guys too! You both look great." "Thanks, I see you have matching nails with Jack." Finn said looking at my hand. "Yeah." I said. "That's adorable. I wish Finn would paint his nails." F/n said looking at Finn. "Maybe one day." Finn sighed starting to drive.

We arrived at the restaurant and my heart was practically pounding out of my chest. "Why am I so nervous?" I asked quietly as we were getting out of the car. "Don't be, it's gonna go great." Finn assured me. I walked up next to f/n and we walked in together. "I still can't believe this is happening." She whispered. "I know! It's crazy." I said shaking my head. "Y/n!" Jack yelled across the whole restaurant before running over to me. He grabbed me and hugged me, "Jesus Christ, you're gonna get us kicked out, Jack." I said quietly as we hugged tightly. We pulled away and he walked over to f/n to give her a hug, and I hugged Wyatt and Erin. "God, Erin you are so pretty." I told her. "Awe, thank you! You're gorgeous y/n." She said sweetly. "I'm really not, but thanks. I love your drawings, I wish I could draw." I said. "Thank you!" She said before walking up to f/n.

Jack led me to our table and we sat down. Finn was sitting to the left of me, and Jack to the right. "He's sure full of energy." I muttered to Finn. "When is he not?" He whispered back. I giggled before looking over at Jack, just admiring his adorable face. He noticed my staring and looked over at me, "Hi." He said quietly. "Hi." I giggled to him. "Stop! You're so cute!" He yelled. "Sh, shh, Jacky, we are in a restaurant." I said quietly, grabbing his arm. "I'm sorry. You're just really adorable." He whispered back, before I heard f/n fake gagging. "Stop fucking in the restaurant it's disgusting." She said gagging again. "Shut up, f/n. At least I didn't literally fuck him in my friends house." I rolled my eyes. "Hey, I did not have sex with Finn at Wyatt's!" She yelled. "God, chill." I said to her. "Is she drunk or something?" Wyatt asked. "No, unfortunately that's just how she is." I responded. Suddenly a hand slammed on the table in front of me and I quickly turned to Jack, "Fucking stop!" I hissed. He wasn't listening, he was too busy acting like a child and arguing with Finn. I shook my head, "Why am I even dating you?" I asked jokingly. "Cause you love me." He said looking offended. "Oh yeah." I giggled kissing his cheek. He quickly started yelling at Finn again.

We ordered our food, and me and Jack being the children we are ordered chicken strips at a fancy restaurant. We sat waiting for our food for what felt like hours when finally the waiter came over to our table with a tray full of a bunch of plates. He sat down our food and immediately we started stuffing our faces. "How old are you guys again? 8?" Wyatt joked looking at our food. "Fuck off Wyatt." Jack said throwing a fry at his head. "Jack, stop." I said smacking his leg. "Oww.. I'm sorry mom." He said in a childish voice before another fry was thrown across the table. "Are you fucking serious, Wyatt?" I said. He stared at me for a few seconds before slowly picking up another one and throwing it at me. My jaw dropped and I grabbed a whole chicken strip and threw it straight at his face. "Fucking stop! We're gonna get kicked out." Finn whispered grabbing my arm. "I'll do what I want." I replied jerking my arm away from his grip. I heard Jack laugh quietly before throwing another fry towards Wyatt, and then two more from Wyatt's side of the table. "You too Erin?" Finn sighed, and she smiled back. "I feel like we're parents and these are our four toddlers." F/n giggled. "Hopefully our children won't look like that." She said pointing at me. I quickly jumped out of my seat, "You got a problem?" I yelled before sitting back down quickly, f/n and I bursting out into laughter. Suddenly I heard an unfamiliar voice from behind me, "I'm sorry, but you guys are going to have to pay and leave, because you're causing a disruption." It was the waiter. I turned around, "Shit, sorry man. We'll leave." F/n said to him and my jaw dropped before I bursted out with the ugliest laugh, causing Jack to join in. "I'll be right over with the Bill." He said with a highly annoyed look on his face.

He was not kidding, he was back with a bill in less than 2 minutes. "Who's paying?" F/n asked. "I'll pay for it, children." Finn said. "Thank you dad." Jack replied, before Finn gave him a tiny fake smile.

We walked out of the restaurant struggling to not fall over from laughing so hard. The best part is that nothing was funny. "Can I spend the night?" Jack asked me out of no where. "What?" I asked, sure I heard him wrong. "Can I spend the night? Like, at your house." "Jack, my parents would NEVER allow that." "They don't have to find out." I looked over at him to make sure he was being serious. "Do you know what will happen if they find out?" "Do they come in your room in the middle of the night?" He asked. "Huh?" I narrowed my eyebrows, "I said, do your parents just randomly walk in your room while you're sleeping?" He repeated. "Uhh, I don't think so?" "Then how would they find out?" He looked at me with a smug look. I rolled my eyes, "Fine. But I'm saying you're a rapist trying to kill me if  they see you in my room." "Wha- why would that make any sense?" He narrowed his eyes at me, and I just laughed.

We were at our cars and Wyatt was getting ready to take Erin home. "Bye, y/n I'll miss you." He said giving me a tight hug. "I'll miss you too, Wy." I said, my face smooshed into his chest. We pulled away and I turned to Erin. "Nice meeting you, we should hang out again sometime." She suggested. "Yeah!" I replied giving her a quick hug.

Wyatt and Erin had left and Jack, Finn, f/n, and I were just standing around awkwardly. "Jack how are you getting home?" F/n asked, breaking the silence. "Finn's taking me to y/n's. I'm spending the night." He smiled. "No you aren't." She snapped. "What?" "Her parents would never let that happen" "who says they know?" He raised his eyebrows. She looked over at me, "Are you serious?" I nodded with a huge smile. "Oh my fucking- do you even have any protection?" She asked me. "No, but I won't need it." I replied. "Y/n, shut the fuck up, you are using a condom." "Are you serious? I mean I won't need it because Jack and I will just be hanging out. Nothing is going to happen. Right?" I said looking to Jack. "I'm not confirming that." He said. "Just take this." Finn said, handing Jack a condom. I just rolled my eyes. I was about to say something before Finn cut in, "Just get in the damn car."

Finn pulled into the driveway of my house. "Bye guys, love you!" I yelled hopping out and running up to my front door, Jack soon following behind me. "Wait!" I hissed. "I'll open the window for you. My dad might still be up." I said, turning to walk into my house. "How do I know what window is yours?" He asked. I turned around slowly. "Are you serious? It's the one that's gonna be open, dumbass!" I whispered before walking into my house shutting the door behind me. I tiptoed towards my room, looking around. It was already almost 12:00 A.M, so my family was asleep.

I walked over to my window and quietly slid the window open. Jack climbed in carefully and hopped into my room. I slid the window shut before turning around to look at Jack. "What now?" I asked quietly. He stared into my eyes before walking towards me and grabbing my face, pressing his lips into mine. I put my hands on the back of his head, running my fingers through his curly brown hair. I felt his hands slide down my back before he had them on my butt, and he pulled me closer to him. We slowly made our way towards my bed, where he laid me down before getting on top of me, continuing making out with me.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. We both jumped up and I quickly shoved him into my closet. "Yeah?" I asked quietly, before opening the door. It was my dad. "Just making sure you got home. Love you." He said. "Love you too. Goodnight." I shut the door, locking it behind me. I headed over to the closet before pulling the door open. "Shit." Jack whispered. "Yeah, I know right." I turned and walked back to my bed plopping down. "We can keep going if you want?" I asked him. "Not unless you want to" He replied. "If you do I do." I said. "Well if you don't then I don't." We both stared at each other for a minute, before he said, "We can just go to sleep?" "Yeah." I said getting under the covers of my bed. He got into bed next to me and I laid on my side with my back to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close to him just like he did at Wyatt's house, only this time it felt right.

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