Chapter 3

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I slowly opened my eyes confused about where I was at first. I saw Jack laying on his back on his phone, and I was really close to him. I quickly realized I had an arm and a leg completely over him, "Shit, I'm sorry." I said, rolling off of him to lay on my back beside him. "It's fine, it was cute. But I was starting to think you would never wake up. I really have to pee." He said getting up and heading for the bathroom. I laughed and watched him walk away. I decided to go downstairs and see if the others were awake.

I walked to the living room to see f/n laying completely on top of Finn. Both of them were still completely passed out. I laughed and shook my head before looking to Jaeden. He was awake sitting on the other couch on his phone.

I plopped down next to him. "Hey." I said. "Hey. Is Jack up yet?" He asked. "Yeah he's in the bathroom I think." "Oh." Jaeden replied "God, look at those two." He laughed, pointing at f/n and Finn. "Hey, at least they're happy together." I sighed. "So do you have a girlfriend, Jay-Jay?" "No, I just got over a break up. And please don't call me that." He replied giving me an annoyed look.

"There you are." Jack said jumping down the stairs and walking over to sit next to me. Wyatt soon followed down the stairs sitting down next to Jaeden. "Finn!" Wyatt yelled. Finn's head slowly lifted. "F/n! You're killing Finn!" I yelled. She sat up slowly, now sitting on him. "Ugh, get off him." I told her. She was sitting right on his.. you know. "Shit. Sorry Finn." She said getting up. Finn sat up so she had room to sit down next to him. We all sat there quietly for a few seconds before Wyatt asked, "How are you guys getting home?" "I don't know. Is it okay if I just move in with you?" F/n joked. "Oh hell no. I don't want Finn at my house everyday." He said with a disgusted look on his face. "What the fuck, Wyatt I thought we were best friends?" Finn yelled. Wyatt gave him a disappointed look before saying, "But really, how are you getting home you guys are starting to get annoying. Except Jaeden. He can stay." "My mom's picking me up.. She can give y/n and f/n a ride if they want." Jack asked. "Jack aren't you 16? Shouldn't you have your license by now?" F/n asked him. "Yeah.. I uh.. failed my test." Jack said looking down at the floor. "Twice." Finn added. I laughed, "It's okay Jack, I'm taking my test in like a week and I know I'm gonna fail. But yeah, if your mom could take us home that would be great." "Okay, I'll call her." He said grabbing his phone.

He looked up at us with his phone pressed up to his ear. The whole group was staring at him while he called his mom. "Hi mommy." He said quietly and me and f/n started giggling. "Umm, can y/n and her friend have a ride home from Wyatt's?" He asked awkwardly. "Uhh she's my friend. Yes, just my friend mom." He said getting annoyed. "Wow." I whispered to f/n. "We were just sleeping in the same bed and now we're 'just friends'" I giggled.

"Okay. Love you too momma." He said hanging up the phone while me and f/n held back laughter. "Awww" She said quietly. As soon as Jack put his phone down we all bursted out with laughter. "I love you too, momma." Wyatt mocked. "Shut up Wyatt." Jack said glaring at him. "Guys stop. It's adorable." I said grabbing Jack's hand. "Yeah, are we not allowed to love our moms?" Jaeden asked. "Well it's Jack, I have to make fun of him. It's too easy." Wyatt giggled. I shook my head before looking to Jack, he smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

"Guys, my mom's here." Jack told us. I stood up and gave Jaeden and Finn a hug. I walked over to Wyatt and hugged him, "We need to hang out again. You and your girlfriend should come with me, Jack, f/n and Finn on like, a triple date or something." I suggested. "Yeah sure. Just text me and I'll be there." He said. I smiled at him before turning to walk with Jack to the car.

I was squished in between Jack and f/n we were almost to my house and I was starting to get sad with the thought of leaving Jack. He was gripping my thigh firmly and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "So, you're just his friend?" His mom asked me. I looked at Jack before saying, "Nope. Actually I'm his girlfriend." He looked over at me and his eyes were huge. "Jack!" She laughed. "She wasn't supposed to tell you that." He said awkwardly. "Why? Are you embarrassed?" She asked him. I looked over at him, "Yeah, Jacky. Are you embarrassed of me?" I teased. "What? No!" He said looking extremely confused. "I'm just kidding, baby. Calm down." I said running my fingers through his hair. He shook his head before looking out the window.

The car slowed to a stop in front of my house. F/n also got dropped off at my house since hers was only a block or so away. She climbed out of the car, "Thank you!" She told Jack's mom. "Bye, y/n." Jack said looking at me before quickly looking away again. I sighed and grabbed his head and made him look at me before I kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back. Finally, we pulled away when f/n yelled, "Hurry up!" 

Jack and I stared into each others eyes. "See you around, Jacky." I said before hopping out of the car.

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