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It's 9/11 and I want to ask a question, and I don't want to offend you if 9/11 effected you because I understand it hurts you, and for people that just get hurt because of death understand this is my point of view please don't hate me.

Do we always talk about WW1 on the date it started?
Do we talk about every school shooting on the dates they happened?
Do we talk about every other terrorist threats, or attacks on the day they happened?

I believe 9/11 deserves to be spoken about but I also believe it should in every History class, video, article, and in anything related to American history! I don't believe everyone should talk about it, but if you're effected then talk about it, I understand it's just this date has such a horrible reputation that I feel it's so hard for people in America to celebrate their birthday. I once heard someone say, "I was born on 9/11 that proves I'm a mistake, and should have never been born."
All I'm trying say is every day ever! Something horrible happens to someone or something in the world! So, I'm glad today that it's the first not many people said anything, and again this doesn't mean it's not important. It's just the world is so much darker then it was in 2001, people die every day, that doesn't mean you had anything to do with it when you were born it's just life!

I'm done so, RANT OVER

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