Chapter 7

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I was shocked at what I had become, this hadn't happened to a werewolf in a very long time. Now I needed to go ask my family what was happening to me for sure, I transformed back into my human self and changed. Then I ran out the door, well.... at least I tried to, Natasha stopped me in my tracks and asked what was going on. I didn't reply, I just pushed pass her and made a wild dash for the door before she could stop me again.

I tried to follow the scent of my pack by memory, the only issue was that those memories were from when I was a pup. It was hopeless, I sat on a nearby rock and huffed in frustration. How would I figure out where my pack was? All the sudden I heard hard breathing and heavy running footsteps coming towards me. I panicked and bolted in the opposite direction, but I ran into a tree. Thinking about it now that was a stupid idea, because as soon as I came in contact with the tree I blacked out. I don't know my strength sometimes I guess, before I completely blacked out I heard someone calling my name. Was it god? well whoever it was they sounded genuinely concerned about me. Before I blacked out completely I realized the voice was Loki.

(Loki) POV

When I reached (Y/N)'s unconsious body, I shook her trying to bring her back. I checked her head and saw she had cracked her skull, I did what I could and then picked her up bridal style. I got her to the Avengers tower as soon as I could, I worried she wouldn't make it because she was losing a lot of blood.

I brought her to Bruce and he did what I couldn't for her, as soon as Bruce fixed her up I sat by her bedside hoping she would be okay. She hadn't come to in almost a month, I was getting worried. Everyone urged me to sleep, but I refused to until she was awake. I relied on my power to keep me awake, finally I broke. I went to talk to Stark.

A/N: Sorry I cut it short, it's late and I have to get to bed. until next time my stars. ~StarRoseWolf19 o

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