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A/N don't forget to check the cast chapter for the updated cast x

Brooklyn woke in her old bedroom, the sun was shining through the big windows. Brooklyn looked around to find her clothes thrown on the floor in a mess. When she began to regain her memory from the night before she looked to where Ryder should be, but he wasn't. A small note sat beside her.

Had to go to work, talk to you later x

'wow romantic Ryder' Brooklyn rolled her eyes at the thought. Brooklyn showered and dressed ready to go see Ash. She wore tan jodhpurs with a white shirt tucked into her pants and high black riding boots. She slowly placed away her clothes that were still stuck in her suitcases from the night before.

Ash hung his head over the stall door when he heard footsteps coming.
"Hey boy" Brooklyn smiled patting his neck. Ash was tacked up in only a moment, a white saddle blanket below the saddle followed by a simple black bridle and white boots.
"Hi to you too" Ryder smiled coming out of the office.
"Morning" Brooklyn sent a soft smile to him.
"I thought this break was meant to be a break from work as well" Ryder chuckled.
"Habits are hard to break" Brooklyn shrugged.
"Hi Ms Harris!" Elenor squealed as the words fell out of her mouth, the girl wore a big cheeky grin on her face as she looked almost admired by the sight of Brooklyn.
"Elenor, you can call me Brooklyn" she giggled.
"The girls off duty" Ryder chuckled putting an arm over her shoulder.
"For now" Madison shrugged.
"And then you'll go back to London, right?" Madison asked. Ryder took his arm off of her shoulder and bit his lip looking down at his dusty boots.
"We'll see" Brooklyn shrugged.
"Hey Ryder, I may have bragged a little that Brooklyn was here to my cousin and she wants to come for the summer" Elenor explained.
"That's great Elenor" Ryder beamed.
"Wait what?" Brooklyn asked.
"Ryder can I talk to you?" Brooklyn asked. Brooklyn tied Ash back up and maneuvered around the gelding to Ryder's office.
"What's up?" he asked.
"I don't want my name being used to attract people to Holloway" she shrugged.
"Why?" Ryder asked.
"Because I didn't come back to teach riding lessons, or to have people smile and wave like I'm the queen" Brooklyn rolled her eyes at the thought.
"I came back for you Ryder, for us" she mumbled.
"I know, I'm sorry" he sighed. He took a seat on his desk and took Brooklyn's hands in his pulling her close.
"It's still me and you, I promise" he whispered. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips making her smile.

The office door opened suddenly, Brooklyn's hands were still in Ryder's. The door opened making them both jump apart.
"Brooklyn, I didn't know you were back" Gabby mumbled avoiding all contact.
"Yeah, I got back yesterday" Brooklyn nodded. The air had suddenly gotten cold and tense.
"I better get back to Ash" Brooklyn mumbled trying to get out of there as fast as possible. Gabby hadn't changed much her hair had gotten longer and her face had aged well.
Brooklyn clipped her helmet on her head and hurried out of the stable. Ash broke into a trot as they rode towards the old cross country course that lead to the beach. The only sounds were of the waves that were crashing on the shore. The gelding began to canter as Brooklyn loosened her reins. The course had disappeared there was no jumps nothing, the dirt path that once was, was no longer. Grass had begun to grow over the path and if Brooklyn didn't know the directions well she knows she would've gotten lost. The beach hadn't changed, the water was still dark like the clouds in the sky and the waves were getting bigger and bigger. There was a storm approaching she could feel it. As the waves got bigger Ash began to pull at the reins.
"You're okay" Brooklyn whispered to him. Patting his neck in a soothing way.

"Long time no see" someone called over the winds. There stood a familiar chestnut with a familiar tall rider.
"Pin" Brooklyn breathed.
They dismounted their horses and pulled each other into a tight hug.
He still smelt like a nice cologne that wasn't overpowering but just softly sprayed mixed with his natural beach scent.
"I missed you" he said softly into her hair.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were in California?" Brooklyn asked.
"Zoe and I are just taking some time apart" he shrugged.
"Is everything okay?" Brooklyn asked.
"She's changed, she used to care so much and then we went to America and it was like she turned into a different person" he shook his head at the thought.
"Of course she changed" Brooklyn rolled her eyes at him.
"She's lost her connection to this place Pin, trust me I know how it feels" she mumbled. After a few moments of silence Pin spoke up.
"So how is Ryder?" He raised his eyebrows at her.
"I missed him so much" she started.
"But?" Pin asked.
"And i come back and I feel like everyone just cares about how many trophies I won" Brooklyn sighed.
"He loves you Brooklyn!" Pin exclaimed.
"I wouldn't go that..." she started before Pin cut her off.
"He's been in love with you since the moment he first laid eyes on you, and he still is" he explained.
"For someone who's been away for so long you seem to know a lot" Brooklyn mumbled.
"Let's just say I've kept in touch unlike you" he chuckled poking her in the stomach.
"I barely had time to sleep let alone time to contact everyone" Brooklyn defended.
"What was it like?" He asked.
"Having thousands of people watching you?" Brooklyn asked. Pin nodded in response.
"The most adrenaline rushing moment that will ever happen in your life, but it's like you don't concentrate on the people it's just you and your horse out there, it was like fighting for survival seeing all these people I used to look up to as idols and now I'm riding against them!" She exclaimed.
"It was a dream" she smiled.
"Have you told Ryder any of this?" He asked.
"He never asked" Brooklyn shrugged.
"Maybe because he's scared to see what I just saw" Pin suggested.
"What did you just see?" Brooklyn asked.
"Someone who is going to fight to the death for what they love" Pin shrugged.
"I know he wants me to stay at the end of the summer but..." she sighed.
"Its not as easy as that" Pin finished her sentence for her.
It was at that moment Brooklyn really knew how well Pin did know her.
"I get what you mean" he nodded.
"Come on, its getting cold" he said mounting Elvis. The two of them rode in silence back towards Holloway.

"Pin!" Ryder called. The two shook hands and greeted each other. As Pin and Brooklyn lead their horses into the warmth of stables.
Gabby appeared behind Ryder placing a hand on his shoulder as she leaned against him. Brooklyn straightened up looking at the hand. Ryder caught her gaze and moved to the side making Gabby let go of him.
"So Pin how is our favourite American?" Gabby asked.
"Zoe's good" he shrugged with a nod seeming uncomfortable.
"Hey Ryder!" Madison called skipping through the stable halls and stopping beside Gabby and Ryder. Elenor trailed further behind with someone who looked around the same age as her. She had dark skin and dark brown eyes. Unlike Elenor's curly hair, this girl had long straight hair that sat by her hips.
"This is Naya my cousin" Elenor introduced. The young girl looked at Brooklyn and then turned to her cousin to whisper in her ear.
"She said you're prettier in person then on tv" Elenor translated.
"Naya is really shy and doesn't really talk often" Elenor explained.
"Thank you Naya" Brooklyn smiled at the younger girl.
"I thought I'd show her around if that's okay?" Elenor asked looking at Ryder.
"Sure go ahead kids" he said taking a step back so they could walk past him. Madison stayed with us.
"Madison aren't you going to go ahead with the others?" Gabby asked.
"No, I'm not a kid I'm 13" she snapped back shooting Gabby an evil eye.
"Exactly, we need someone we can trust to keep an eye on the girls to make sure they don't get into trouble" Brooklyn said as she pulled the saddle off of Ashes back.
"Fine" she sighed and followed after her friends.
The adults chuckled in laughter at the girl.
"How about we all have dinner tonight?" Brooklyn asked.
"As long as you promise not to cook" Pin chuckled earning an eye roll from Brooklyn. Ryder coughed as if he was clearing his throat. Pin quickly rubbed his neck.
"I'd love to but I promised I'd have dinner with my dad tonight" he lied.
"I have something on as well" Gabby nodded.
Ryder looked almost relived when Brooklyn went back to untacking Ash unfazed by the three acting weird.

A/n what do you guys think is going to happen in the next chapter? Guess what! I don't even know 😂
I love you guys heaps thanks so much for the support❤️

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