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"i don't think i would mind a little fall."

taehyung hears a scoff behind him but is too buzzed to turn around and face the stranger in the room. well, maybe from their perspective he was the stranger.

"yes, well as much as you'd enjoy that i'd rather not have to explain that to the police."

the 'strangers' voice is deep and rough though taehyung quite likes the sound of it. for some reason it reminded him of coffee on acid--if that was even a thing but he liked it.

the wind's feeling quite sensual tonight with the way it caresses taehyung's exposed skin. it sends tiny shivers down his spine that shouldn't feel as good as they do.
the weed was really starting to get to him.

"fair enough. i don't wanna cause any trouble."

and as the words leave his mouth taehyung can taste the sourness they leave behind. the sky looks rather tempting tonight with the various stars that litter the sky. the moon is nothing short of flattering as it seems to grow in size the longer taehyung stares at.

yeah, he had definitely hit his peak.

"you plan on leaving anytime soon?"

taehyung pauses for a moment his back still turned to the stranger if he could even call them that at this point.

"am i causing you trouble by being here?"

"not really no."

"then i think i stay a while longer if that's okay."

nothing is said but taehyung can hear the shuffling behind him. he supposes the other is fine with that and is doing what he originally came to do.
getting comfortable taehyung curls up in the corner of the windowsill his mind creating images that shouldn't be.

he's just envisioned aries come down from the sky to wreak havoc when he feels something land on his head. his vision goes dark and there's a second of panic before taehyung realizes it's just a blanket.


"just try not to fall out the window."

at that taehyung smiles with the smell of mary jane on his breath and whispers on his tongue. the blanket is incredibly soft causing taehyung to wrap around him as tight as possible. and just before his eyes close he swears he sees a pegasus flying past the moon.

. . .

with heavy eyelids and lifeless limbs, taehyung wakes with a start. his body is perched precariously on the windowsill of whose window he can't remember.
he just knows he grateful for the blanket wrapped around his body and the sky still being dark.

heaven watches as the boy moves slowly untangling himself from his confines removing himself from the window. for the most part, the room is dark and it's hard to see where he stands but he still makes sure to fold the blanket before tucking it under his arm.

his head feels heavy with questions all of which his conscious refuses to answer at the moment. instead, he focuses on getting to the door and out of the unknown house.

he doesn't even spare a glance at this body curled up in the large bed against the wall. there are faceless people in the hallway some piled on top of another each one in a deeper sleep than the last.

if taehyung didn't know any better he'd say there'd been a raid and the people were attacked by an unknown force reeling them to slumber. though that's just his imagination running rampant. he's aware of what drugs and alcohol do to you.

it was like planting a seed really. sometimes you don't really expect much from it but you water it anyway in hopes your efforts are not in vain. and if you were really feeling bold you'd probably throw out a little fertilizer for extra measure.

however, that's not it worked for taehyung. he didn't keep coming back because someone had thrown a little fertilizer in his system. no, he simply enjoyed (needed) the effects they carried. but of course, that was a story for another time.

for now, he was content in successfully completing the labyrinth's maze only to return again some other time. and like the unsuspecting lamb he was, he didn't notice the pair of eyes that watched him leave. 

so this was hella short but only bc i ran outta ideas and the song is short so pls don't be me up. tho was this?

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