WhAt'S a FaIrY tAlE? (part 2)

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When we left, Kyoko still looked worried about something. I saw her go into a phone booth and look at it sadly. She had a regretful face as she talked. When she came out, she sighed then clapped excitedly. As I had waited, I had my earphones on listening to 'My demons'. I loved this song and it both relaxed me and exited me at the same time. If that makes any sense.

I had my box full with the stuff I had brought this morning. I started walking away when I say Kyoko start heading in the exact same direction I was heading.

I stopped when I saw a large crowd surrounding the building I was supposed to enter. I looked towards the doors and saw Kyoko happily heading towards the security guards. I headed that way quickly and avoided contact with the many fans. I made it just in time to hear Kyoko say something I didn't expect.

" -xuse me. I have a delivery.... For Mr. Fuwa." My eyes widened and I went up to talk to the guards who had just let her through.

They looked at me expectantly and I said in a confident voice.

" I need to deliver something to Ms. Shoko. Mr.Fuwa's manager."

You suck! That was a lie!? Stupid! Stupid! stupid with a capital EVERYTHING! He does talk about her often!

Both of the guards looked at each other, cuz obviously two different people from the same job get called at the same time to the same building. 

Great.Now for my sweet innocent act.

Tilting my head to the side I ask , " Is anything wrong Misters?"

They eyed me suspiciously again but let me pass.

I turned back and thanked them, earning myself a pair of short nods.

As soon as I was out of sight, I took off these short heels and ran like a madman, trying to catch up to Kyoko.

I finally stopped, seeing her. She seemed to be hiding behind a wall listening in on something. I put my heels on the floor ignoring them and went towards Mogami(Kyoko) . I placed my hand on her shoulder making her jump. What I saw, I never expected to see. Mogami's eyes were wide and full with hurt and betrayal. I grew angry at whoever had done this to her. I was about to step out when Mogami held onto my jacket sleeve. I stopped and instead of walking , I decided to listen in. What shocked me was that I heard a female voice followed by a very familiar voice.

" How can you say such a thing? You make them earn all your living expenses right? That's pretty cruel. Considering you have two extra apartments. From what you're telling me, one treats you like a brother right? I repeat. That's pretty cruel." At this, I froze.

Two apartments? Them? Does that mean....Does Kyoko know something about this?

"But hey, that's me! The prince of the country's most prominent Japanese inn has never cleaned, done the laundry, or cooked rice!"

" I'm like a baby. Do you think I could have come to Tokyo and lived by myself?!" I silently heard all this coming from Sho.

"That's terrible, that sounds as if you brought them as your housemaids." There was a moment of silence. For me, of realization. 

"Well, As for Kyoko, since I was a kid, she was basically a house maid for me. She used to help a lot with the inn and did what I told her. Or else I wouldn't have chosen her to come in the first place. And Kora, well I found her on a playground playing by herself. She had no parents and was basically raised herself in the streets. After we met, she would sometimes come to the inn and my parents would treat her to a meal and give her a bag of food for the go. My parents even had to teach her how to read! HA! She was expressionless at the time but she trusted me completely by the time I came with Kyoko. I didn't know of her for a couple months until she appeared out of nowhere and started to help me with me being 'homeless'."

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