This Little Girl part 2

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{The picture at the top was not created by me. But it was edited by me. I can change colors to any picture you have. Im really happy because I made in the background at the last minute! I really enjoy doing playing with the colors. Anyway! Off to read. }

"Keep the change..Please...cooperate too." She smirked.

" I'm in the middle of throwing away my past!" And with that, she walked out. I stayed behind and exchanged numbers with Miss.Yuki and waved goodbye. Running out I followed her out into the street.

(Yuriko POV)

The guy I thought of as my older brother and rolemodel, became the guy I despise the most. Ugh, what drama. I don't even despise him! I'm just hella angry! Why can't I hate him! Arghhhh.

It had been a week since I stopped bothering with hiding myself. I havent visited Tsunade's main bar since i left. I'm planning on doing it soon. After Mogami and I got our 'upgrades', as she calls it , I went straight to the agency big enough to rival Shotaro's. Picking up an application, I noticed that people were surprised to see me. A supposed little girl, only because I still havent reached 15.....Actually, now that I say it that way it does make me underage. Very underage...I don't really feel it though.

I also had been lucky enough to meet Mr.Sawara, who warned me about only having 12 days until the audition. I also signed up for both the acting section and the singing section. He had thought I was joking until he noticed that there was no change to my expression. He was very rude but eventually gave up on trying to convince me to only take one section.

So here I am. Almost two weeks later standing in front of LME. I was told to come back because apparently, I had to talk to someone important in the business. I was also told to come back around the opening time.

I was stopped by a February wind. Putting my hands inside of my coat I shivered and kept walking. I had decided not to take the bike this morning because I accidentally popped a wheel last week and didn't want Tsunade to spend her money to fix it.


I hadn't seen that a piece of glass had been left on the street and rode right into it. You would think a piece of glass was no bid deal! Nope. The tire popped open straight through the middle and the sudden loss of a wheel made me loose my balance and riding it into the side of the sidewalk. And whoosh! All in all, you could say that the owner and employees of the nearby restaurant were surprised when I crashed into their window. Thankfully, the bike didn't crash into it, it was left on the street, and the window was strong enough not to break with my impact. Unfortunately, I got a nasty bruise on my right arm and leg. Accompanied by a bump on the right side of my head. I had offered to pay the restaurant owner for disturbing, but he was mostly focused on my wounds and getting me a medic. I may have not broken any glass, but I was harshly hit by a three inch glass and brick to my side. He looked foreign and kind of young....but who am I to complain right? Did I mention he also has albinism? It was nice. Telling the employees to close up for the day, he apologized and personally took me to the hospital. Apparently, what I had driven into was a broken piece of an earlier broken porcelain plate from their restaurant that was not discarded correctly by one of the employees. His name was Akira Hayami? Hakami? Oh wait! Hayama! We got on good terms and are now what you would call a friendly accomplice.

Anyway, I spent the next two days recovering from a slight concussion.

Opening the glass doors, I made my way towards Mukai, the woman in charge of the front desk.

"Good morning Miss Mukai."

"Ah goodmorning Miss Yukimura. Are you here to help out again?"

I had been helping her out these past two weeks. Apparently, the poor lady had to deal with the fans trying to come into the business to see the famous Ren Tsuruga, along with dealing with all types of paper work,which she would have to deliver when she was done, and leave the desk unattended. She got me a pass and sent me to deliver, but when its to someone very important, then she leaves me at the front desk. I had nothing to do so meh. Plus it made me look good and get accustomed to the building.

" Actually Miss Mukai, but Im sorry. Today I actually have a meeting with someone, but I don't know who. The person who called me only told me to come and ask you where the room is."

She nodded and started looking through her computer.

"Oh? Miss Yukimura, it appears you have a meeting with Mr.Sawara. Here. " She said handing me a pass. " I trust you not to go sneaking in on pop stars right?" She laughed while I grinned and nodded. " Well, it on the second floor in this room. Its more of a fancy cubicle than a room though. " Taking the piece of paper from her, I nodded and waved goodbye. Finding my way to the elevator, I started running when I noticed one was closing. Rushing to the doors, I put my arm in just before the doors closed.

Inside I met with a suspicious Ren Tsuruga. After clicking on the second floor button, I acknowledged him by nodding and standing at his right inside the elevator. He gave me a bad definition of a glare. I looked towards him and gave him an icy angry glare, telling him that I was not in the mood to deal with reality today. My head was still hurting, and whenever I run, my right side hurts like crazy. He wasnt expecting me to glare back so he flinched,his eyes widened and he looked away, I now assumed he was glaring at a poor wall..

Take that you bad mannered Actor! Ha!

I smirked and climbed out of the elevator. Turning, I showed him my smirk and he scowled at me. I turned and walked away satisfied.

Mess with the rose and you get the thorns you idiot.

I could feel him catching up to me quickly. He walked past me.

Darn his incredibly long legs.

Me being the childish person I am, who is also a child, decided to do the logical thing and speed up, ignoring my aching arm,leg, and head. So we were walking,more like speed walking, side by side when someone bumped into him successfully stopping him. I snickered at this,earning myself a glare from the #1 male idol in japan. I was about to flip him off but then I paid closer attention to the unfortunate soul who had bumped into him.

I was surprised to see that it was Mogami. And she looked even more shocked than I was. I bent down to pick up the papers, when suddently Mr.Moody snatched the paper that I had in my hand. I glared but was ignored.

"New comer's audition...hmmm...Mr.Sawara gave in to you." He said, back to his 'cool' self. Mogami trembled ,looking kind of worried. Ren gave her a glance and sighed, shaking his head. Mogami's behaviour took a turn as she looked extremely offended and angered. A blush was on her face, but I doubt from anything nice. I think it was more of an angry red than an embarrassed red.

I kinda feel like a side character from this shojo manga I read once.

Before Mogami could fight back, I looked at the time on my phone and gave her two thumbs up for luck while running away.

I could hear her yelling in the distance while I ran towards the direction Mogami had just come from a couple minutes ago.

Little girl this.

Little girl that.

Well this little girl has to work her butt off to kick Shotaro in the face. I will become One of the top five idols. I'll do what I want and use him as a stepping stone. I WILL ALWAYS BE A STEP IN FRONT OF HIM!!!

Okay okay. Calm down Yuri. Chill out. You're fine. Everything is fine. *Deep exhale*

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