My memories??

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I corrected the grammar here :D
I was typing fast so i screw up the grammar.
But i fixed it now

I woke up from my 5 week coma and recovered my past memories of this game. Marinn is a water holder. She wield basic water spells. One she can do is a water sword but i dont have any durability. I wont cut through anything it will just act like water. I nees to focus on my malleability on the water sword but she has other powers like bubble cage that is pretty sensitive and water barrier or water wall that can probably harm a fire holder when it passes but i have a disadvantage on earth holders. When Wind holder and Water holders fight it will be a draw since you wont harm each other during fights you will just compel each other or make your attack ice. Light and Dark holders goes well with a water holder since H2O is a solution (in science) not a Colloid or Suspension. Dark and Light will pass through or will combine and make a much stronger spell than the original attack was. You will be lucky if you wield dark and water or light and water.
If you hold light and water your skill or magic will be called holywater. Holywater is a critical skill to dark magic wielders. And if you hold Dark and water it will be Darkwater and it can corrupt light wielders. The protagonist Camille is a Earth holder so im completely weak againt her and The Second Prince Elliott Fey is a Fire holder so he is weak against me but when he gets older his fire will widen and get stronger so my attack will just evaporate to gas and if a Wind wielder and fire wielder team up against a water wielder the water wielder will be surely be dead. If my attack evaporates to gas the water molecules are still in the gas so i can bring it back but if a Wind holder is there he can manipulate the gas he can control the water that just evaporates so i will be completely dead to Elliott.

I still remember when i was a kid as Luqua i was a shy kid til' i met Elliot who saved me from drowning. Of course his fire magic didn't appear yet till he is 8 so he can still make contact to water when he saved me.

When i was drowning i felt a warm embrace to my body and feels like its telling me something... but when Elliott save me i forgot. His charming golden hair and Emerald eyes distracted me.
But when i recovered my past memories about this game i fell out of love from Elliott.

I cant remember what the lake told me. But when i was drowing my water magic appeared. Before even Elliott found his fire magic when a village was burning and Camille was shouting for help then he dived to the flames to save the poor Heroine in the burning house. So ...

Tradegy+Almost Dying+Pain= Magic power?

But on Elliott he said the flames were warm and the flames talked to him that the  flames were screaming and warning him about a girl with water powers. He told that to the heroine at the End where the Heroine chose Elliott's route.

Means the water told me something? I cant remember. I cant remember..

The sword is 3 meters long and a water wielder can only carry it. I must practice my swordtraining and sharpening my mind to make it more malleable since im in a body of a 7 year old i practically can't do anything besides locking myself in a room everytime the prince would visit to check on me.

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