Darkness spoke to me?

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I still cant believe it. I got Reincarnated to this world... I kept talking to the lake hoping it would talk to me again but the lake never did. *sigh* Its getting dark... i should go back... i walked unto the forest and the moon already risen. It was pitch dark.... i couldn't see anything.... Little did i know i tripped and fell and passed out

"You can dream the future. No nightmares what so ever... but you can now Necromance"

A sweet monotoned voice spoke to my head as i feel like im being carried.... everything feels warm.... whats happening....

"Please bring Revenge to those who wield the Wrong"

Wrong? Whats Wrong? I stare unto the black abyss

"Those people.... with wings....."

Wings? Who?

"Those who sparkles and treated like god. Those who bless people and control their minds"

Faeries? What did Faeries do?

"They are wrong"

Wrong huh? I dont know whats wrong but who are you?

"The Darkness... i swear my loyalty to your 'water god' and you, yourself "

Water god? Myself? You are the dark magic? How come i can speak to you but not him?

"This is a one time opportunity but that god of yours... he can speak freely"

"All i want is Revenge for those who made the gods sleep"

Gods? Like god of war and stuff? Tell me their names

"God of water... Lake..
God of Darkness... Victoria
God of Earth... Feya
God of Wind... Zenox
God of Fire... Ren
God of Light... Divia
God of Space... Nebula"

That many gods?! They are all asleep?!

"The Lake... The god whom you have awoken"

"The Victoria... The god whom you have awoken"

Darkness is on my side?! And wanted revenge on Faeries?!
How exactly?

"You need to corrupt the faeries blessed person soul. In any way dispose all of the faeries"


"If you have anymore questions"

I can dream the future right? Is it possible to dream my fate?

"No. You will dream what ever you what to see deep down your heart"

How can i wake the space god?

"Break the fourth wall"

Fourth wall? What is that supposed to mean?

"Make Contact with your Creator"

My Creator? Anyway! How much is my level right now?

"Adding two gods power will make it 5Million Levels"

HUUUUUUUUUUH?! IM THAT OVERPOWERED?! (I said that sarcastically ;D)

"If you were to wake the Space god the strongest among all... Your level would be Infinite"

I think im going to pass out... anyway! Can i beat the Heroine?


So goddess.. Can you-

"Child. Your waking up now... your appearance changed by consuming the dark magic. Your parents know by the dark aura and energy your body is leaving"

"Don't talk to much or the Faeries will know you have two gods beside you"

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