Chapter-27 The Homecoming

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They flooed to Dumbledore's office. The portraits lining the wall were expecting them and smiled, nodded or waved at Harry when he stepped out of the fireplace. Harry wasn't quite sure how to respond to their calls of "Well done!" and "Welcome back!" He blushed awkwardly and was silent.

"I'm sure Harry appreciates your good wishes," Dumbledore told the portraits. Harry gave a jerky nod.

Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, ruffled his beautiful feathers, demanding attention. When Harry turned toward him, the bird gave a welcoming trill and the teen felt a warm glow at the sound.

"Hello, Fawkes," greeted Dumbledore. "I have not forgotten." The headmaster walked over to his desk and picked up a wand laying there. Holding the wand loosely, he turned to Harry. "Ollivander claims that this is one of his finest works. He has worked on it for months. When it was done, he gave it to me to hold for you. He told me that he wanted to have a special wand waiting for you when you returned. While the wand typically chooses the wizard, Ollivander was sure that this wand would be a perfect fit for you, as he has used the same core as was in your previous wand."

Harry looked in surprise from the wand to Dumbledore. "That's right, Harry. Fawkes offered to give up another feather for you. His feather is the magical core of your new wand."

Dumbledore held out the wand for Harry to take. Slowly, Harry approached and took the wand from Dumbledore. He felt that taking the wand was a tacit admission that he had indeed returned to the wizarding world. Fawkes gave another trill as Harry's hand closed over the wand.

A shock, like electricity, shot up Harry's arm when he grasped the wand. A few sparks flew out of its tip. Dumbledore smiled. Harry refused to show his pleasure but, secretly, he couldn't deny that holding a wand made his blood hum with energy. He knew that his first wand had been snapped when he had been sent to Azkaban. Harry was glad that this wand had the same magical core. Testing the weight of the new wand in his hand, Harry felt as if he were becoming reacquainted with an old friend.

Harry pocketed the wand in silence. Dumbledore waited, apparently expecting something. Casting his mind back over the conversation, Harry said awkwardly, "Would you please tell Mr. Ollivander that I appreciate the wand?"

Dumbledore nodded. "I am sure he will be pleased that you liked it, Harry."

Snape gave an impatient click of his tongue. "If you're done here, headmaster," he said, "we should go to breakfast. I, for one, have had enough drama for the day and would like to enjoy my morning tea."

Dumbledore gestured to the door and said, "Shall we?"

Harry walked with jerky steps out of the office. This would be the first time he would meet the students as Harry Potter. The last time he had seen most of them, he was still Mark Twist. While many of them may have been present during his final duel with Voldemort, he hadn't noticed them. He had been too caught up in his battle to focus on the people in the Great Hall that night. Certainly, he hadn't spoken to them then.

As they walked through the corridors to the Great Hall, they passed a small handful of students on the way. The students respectfully stood aside to allow the headmaster and Professor Snape to pass. When they looked curiously to see who was with the older wizards, they gasped and froze. One of the boys in the group breathed, "Harry Potter!" But, other than this outburst, the group was unnaturally quiet.

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