Chapter-30 The Quidditch Match

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Snape was in Madam Pomfrey's care for almost a week. Harry continued to see Healer Ainsley nightly. During the days, he settled into his classes. The other students continued to watch Harry constantly. Harry wondered if this was how very famous people felt. Did rock stars go through this? He couldn't walk the corridors without students falling silent as he passed. Thank Merlin some of his classmates began to become more relaxed in his company.

When Snape returned to his teaching duties, he made no mention of his almost fatal accident. Harry knew that the four Gryffindors had served detention with the potions master because they came back from their detention smelling of the frogs that Snape had made them pickle for hours. The four had avoided Harry after the incident, worried that Harry was angry with them. However, once the detention had been served, and the worst was over, they relaxed. Apparently believing that their experience forged a sort of bond with the Boy-Who-Lived, they became braver and soon were treating Harry with a familiarity that made them the envy of their more timid friends.

Snape resumed Harry's treatment. The first night that Snape returned, Harry thought the potions master might say something about Harry's saving his life. However, Snape did not say anything.

Meanwhile, Harry was counting the days until the Quidditch match. He couldn't wait. He had been told that he could invite two friends to go with him to the game. Knowing that Hermione was not a Quidditch fan, Harry invited Ron and Neville. He knew that Dean and Seamus were disappointed not to be asked, but at least they had each other as friends. Harry figured that Neville needed to feel included more that the other two boys. Harry knew that Neville was excited at being invited.

The day of the Quidditch match, Harry and his friends walked with Professor Snape to Hogsmeade, where they took a portkey to the Quidditch stadium. Before leaving the school, Harry transfigured his cloak to have a hood, which he was able to draw over his head, hiding his face. He had no wish to be recognized. Snape stared at Harry sharply when Harry first pulled the hood over his head, but said nothing.

At the stadium, Harry looked eagerly around. There were thousands of witches and wizards packing the stadium. Harry had never seen so many magical people in one place before. Professor Snape led them up to a very high box in the stadium.

"Wow!" said Ron, impressed. "These are great seats!"

"This is the Minister's box," explained Professor Snape. "They have given it to us for our use today."

"It's good you know people in high places, Harry!" announced Ron.

Harry had the cynical thought that at least the Minister was good for something. These really were great seats.

"It's amazing!" breathed Neville, looking over the banister. Snape grabbed the boy by the nape of the neck and pulled him back from the edge, before he could go toppling over.

Harry hid his smile at Snape's annoyed expression and Neville's alarmed one. "It is great!" admitted Harry. He pulled his hood more securely over his head and settled down to watch as the stadium filled with spectators.

The game was sure to be exciting, as the two teams were among the best in the league. The Montrose Magpies and the Ballycastle Bats were ranked number one and two, respectively. When the two teams entered the stadium, they were so impressive, Harry felt his breath catch in his chest. The Ballycastle Bats wore black robes with a scarlet bat across the chest. The Montrose Magpies also wore black and white robes, with a magpie on the front and back. [Note: from Quidditch Through the Ages

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