
380 26 13

TW: Mentions of Drowning, Dying, & a Scar, Feelings of Betrayal, Anxiety Attack

Virgil's POV

I jolted awake, alarmed after that strange dream. I look around at my room and what the fuck? Where's all my shit? The grey walls I grew up with were no longer covered in posters, pictures, and stickers. They were practically empty, despite my Nightmare Before Christmas posters. Good to know no one would fuck with them at least. I look up and my fairy lights are also missing, instead there's a white warp ceiling lamp.

What the hell?

Seriously? First I fall into a lake and now this? Wait a minute.

I fell into a lake. And I woke up in bed. Whaat?

I pull off the blanket and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I'm still wearing the clothes from yesterday, and my shoes and the bag are at my feet.

I glance over to the pink clock on the wall and groan a little to myself. "This can't possibly be my room." I open the door and peek out into the hallway. Yup. Definitely my room.

I groan again as I see the time, 7:20. Ugh, I'll just talk to Roman at school about last night, maybe he can explain. I pull open the drawers and am horrified by the vibrant colors within.


I glance up at the mirror. I look surprisingly fine, despite falling into a lake, and decide my hoodie should be fine to wear.

After digging for a few years, I finally found a black shirt and a dark pair of ripped jeans. I zip up my hoodie, and brush my teeth. I return to my room to apply my eyeshadow. I reach into the spot where I usually keep it and what I pull out isn't black. It's pink.

"SON OF A BITCH!" I cried out in frustration. I put it back and storm back over to the bathroom. Surely mom keeps some in there right? I opened a few drawers until I finally found what I was looking for. And holy- I didn't know mom had all these. A large palette of colorful eyeshadow. Okay, that's weird. Why does she have this? She rarely wears makeup and this palette hardly even has any normal colors, it's practically rainbow.

Eh, whatever, as long as I can use the black.

I walk back to my room to get my phone and realize it's still in the bag from last night. I grabbed my phone, but felt something else in the bag that I forgot about. MY HEADPHONES. Ugghhhh god, they probably don't work after getting wet. But then again, they do look dry, maybe if I just try..

I hold the button to turn on the bluetooth and surprisingly it works. Weird. This whole situation is weird. What's going on? I look to my phone and turn it on. My lockscreen has a few text messages from an unknown number.

Unknown: It felt good to type that didn't it?

Unknown: I know it did

Unknown: Hello?

Unknown: ok ok I'll finish the book

Unknown: See you tomorrow

Probably a wrong number. I know they won't see me tomorrow.

I walked downstairs and absent-mindedly grabbed the galaxy backpack on the ground. I exit my house and begin my walk to school.

I don't know exactly what's going on or why my room was all dull and bright. The last time anything like this happened, Remus broke into my house just to basically destroy my room and dye some of my clothes. It was over a year ago now and I still don't know why he felt the need to do all that. I also don't know what happened last night. Hopefully Roman can give some insight on that.

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