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TW: Mentions of Possible Death

Virgil's POV

It's been over a week since I got back I guess? Not really counting to be honest. And everything seems to be getting back to normal. Remus stopped avoiding me, for obvious reasons, and it seems like Dee actually got more comfortable around me..? Yeah I don't know.

So there's some teachers convention after school, so we have half days all week. Though all classes have been shortened, this physics class seems like IT WILL NEVER END.

The bell rings as soon as my thought is finished.

Well I guess I'll take it.

I grab my bag and make my way to the hall, heading outside. I reach to push open the door to leave and.. Someone grabs my arm.

"Virgil, hey! Come with me." I got pulled away from the door and down the hall.

I sigh, "Where are we going, Emile?"

"I can't find Remus, so you're helping me."

"Helping you with what?!" I spoke with alarm, having heard past stories of Emile's antics.

He glanced back at me with a smirk and suddenly started running, while still dragging me along. He pulled me into a classroom and finally let go of my wrist.

"Okay. We've got fifteen minutes." He pulled a step stool from the corner and held up a bucket of paint before getting large paint rollers from his bag., "Paint over the lights in the middle of the room."

"That's it?"

"That's it. Hurry up."

Oh good. That's not too bad.

Taking off my backpack, I look down at the step stool and up at the ceiling. "How exactly am I going to reach with this little thing?"

"Put it on the table and stand on it." Emile explained, already standing on a table, starting on lights on the opposite half. Sorry not all of us are six feet tall.

I place the step stool on a table, grab one of the rollers, and roll it in the black paint. I step onto the table and get to work.

"Won't it drip?" I ask.


"You know I was worried back there, but this isn't so bad." I spoke while painting over the lights.

"Mmm, yeah, I'm trying to do less nowadays, but eh." Emile explained, "Oh yeah, and while you're up there, put this in the ceiling tile above the third seat in the first row."


"This." He jumped down from the table, reached into his bag and tossed a dead fish at me.

"The FUCK?" It slipped around but I caught it in the end.

He shrugged and got back to work on the lights. I reached up and moved the ceiling tile over on the second seat and placed the fish on the tile above the third. I fixed the tiles and got to work on my last light.

An alarm came from Emile's pocket.

"Five minutes. Good, we're just about done." He looked up at my side, having completed his own. "One last thing.." Emile took the mouse to the computer in the room, and painted over the backside of it, covering the red dot that lets the mouse move.

"Wow." I stepped down from the table, pulling the step stool back on the ground, all while dodging any dripping paint.

"Don't leave anything here." He took the paint roller from me, ripped the brush parts off of the two rollers, and threw them out the window.

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