One More Week

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TW: Anxiety attack ||Minor Into The Woods Spoilers||

A/N: I know it might get confusing btw the dimensions, so let me know if I need to distinguish it better.

3rd Person POV

Just one more week. That's all the time the two had to say their final goodbyes and spend in the wrong dimension. Though at times the situation has felt like a nightmare, both would say that they enjoyed their time there. For the first time in a long time, Anx didn't feel the loneliness that's been plaguing him. Sure, he loves Thomas and would never trade him for another best friend, but a lot of the time they weren't too communicative outside of school. Near constantly hanging out and being around with Roman, Patton, and Logan, Anx almost felt overwhelmed, but he felt good.

Virgil on the other hand, was overjoyed to spend more time with his best friend and his heart panged at the thought of having to leave him in a week. Though, Thomas wasn't the only thing he cherished about Anx's dimension. Virgil not only had his dad back as well, but he had made a group of new friends. Hanging out with Remus, Dee, Emile, and Remy would sometimes make him think of his friends back home, however, they usually reminded him of his past relationship with Remus and Deceit from home. So much so, that Virgil had pondered maybe talking to them again once he returned..

The week breezed past and suddenly it was opening night for the musical.

"Oh god, yeah no- this is- no, yeah no- no. No. No." Virgil stammered quietly, going back and forth backstage, listening to the sounds of the audience chattering.

"Virgil? I've been looking for you, what are you doing?" Thomas poked his head out backstage and spotted Virgil.

"I- um- I-" Virgil looked over at him and Thomas saw how his eyes watered.

"Oh, come here." Thomas grabbed Virgil's hand and dragged him back to the dressing room. He opened the door to the boy's dressing room, and rushed past the other boys to get into the bathroom, leaving Remus and Dee mildly confused. The dressing room bathrooms were fairly big, so it wasn't a tight fit, and he knew there wasn't anywhere else that was empty enough. Thomas locked the door and turned back to Virgil. "Are you okay?"

Virgil shook his head so subtly, it was hard to tell he actually did it.

"Uh, ok. Is this a.. An anxiety attack?" Thomas asked.

"I-I-I do- I, I, I think-k s-so." Virgil stuttered as he fidgeted with his hands. Virgil was having an anxiety attack, yet you could barely tell just by looking at him. His breathing was fairly steady and Thomas was grateful it wasn't a full on panic attack, because he would just end up panicking himself, for not knowing how to calm his friend. But then again, he didn't really know what to do for an anxiety attack either. So he thought about what could have caused it.

"Virgil? Hey, Virgil?" Thomas tried to grab his attention, "This is cause we're opening soon right?" Virgil nodded slightly and looked away, still fidgeting with his fingers. "That's okay, yeah, I get it, it's our first show, so you're allowed to be nervous, but hey, Virgil-" Thomas noticed Virgil's eyes wandering far off of him and couldn't help but assume he's imagining the worst. "Hey, hey, Virgil, Virgil can you look at me?"

"Y-ye- No, no." Virgil's eyes darted towards Thomas then away over and over until Virgil settled, staring at the floor.

"That's okay, okay? Just, just listen. Listen okay?" Thomas spoke softly, "Everything's going to be okay. It's going to be just fine. It's not the first time we've done something like this, and we did great then, and we'll do great now, okay? Everything is going to work out."

Thomas let out a humorous breath and smiled, "You know what it's gonna be like, Virgil?"

"T-the the talent show?" Virgil asked, his eyes back on Thomas.

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