Chapter Twelve

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​We stepped down the stairs that led back down to the crowd. I could've stop feeling the heat they came from the look that Harry was giving me. Was he going to kiss me?! I don't know how I felt about that. But I had the slightest feeling that I couldn't help but want him to kiss me. I didn't know why. I felt like it was just the alcohol, but I couldn't stop from thinking about his lips on mine at the beach. And how I wanted to be conscious when his lips were on mine tonight. His eyes kept falling to me as they continued singing the songs, and I couldn't focus on how good the band was or how good they performed because I kept focusing my gaze on Harry.

Nic was singing along to every single word and I was trying to listen as Charlie swayed back-and-forth with me. My cheeks are flushed and I felt like I couldn't tell the difference between the feeling of being drunk and the feeling that has all the sudden come over me when I think about Harry moving so close to me backstage. But before I knew it, I was stepping away from the crowd.

"Are you okay?" Nic asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have to use the restroom." I lied. I wabbled my way to a back door that leads up the spiral staircase as the band was finishing their last song. I left the door open & ordered another drink as I heard the band's music fade into a playlist on an aux cord. I ran outside & sat down on one of the benches trying to collect myself. Then I heard the front door of the bar open, and it was Ren who stood there staring at me.

"Can I help you?" The alcohol was still talking for me.

"No, but I think you can help yourself.. by getting the hell out of here." She spat.

"Excuse me?" I stood up, but didn't inch closer to her. I'm drunk, but I'm definitely not getting into a fight her.

"No one wants you here. No one. Especially not Harry."

I'm stunned, but I don't show it. I keep a straight face. I REALLY don't want to cry in front of this bitch.

"You think you're so special, don't you?" She continues, "just a little southern girl who thinks she can show up here and try to take over my man and all of my friends? You don't belong here. I don't give a shit if you were born here. You. Don't. Belong."

I feel the tears well up in my eyes as she says out loud everything I've been feeling. I don't belong here. I don't know what I was thinking coming back.

"And another thing," she keeps going, adding onto the sting. "Don't think that little moment with Harry backstage means anything to him." She smirks.

I try to hide the shock in my face. She saw us?

"He does that with everyone. Like I said, you're not special. I don't even know why you're still here."

I can't take it anymore. I'm too drunk to fight with her, to defend myself, no matter how badly I want to. I turn away, and begin walking home.

"That's right! Run away!" She yells. I ignore her.

Maybe Harry DID do that with everyone, and I let myself get heated over the thought of him. I'm so stupid to be this naïve. Walking as fast as I can to my dorm without stumbling over my drunken footsteps, I finally let the droplets of tears stream down my cheeks.

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