Chapter 8

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-Harry Well I guess this is goodbye

-Jade Let's not make it a goodbye
Let's make it A I'll see you later

-Harry Yes that sounds good

-Jade Don't be sad babe it's only a few weeks, We can FaceTime & Skype

-Harry I know
I'm just going to miss you so much. I wish you would come with me

-Jade We'll see each other again, And who knows Maybe during the tour I can come visit.

-Harry I'd love that

( FLIGHT 0313 Now Boarding )

-Harry Jade I love you

-Jade I love you too Harry

-Anne Come on Harry they're boarding
Goodbye Jade It was lovely meeting you, I am so happy you and Harry are together You are such an amazing girl

-Jade Thank you Anne It was lovely meeting you too

-Gemma Well It Was so nice meeting you Jade I think I gained about 10 pounds from your food

-Jade Aha Well Thank you Gemma Please come back whenever you'd like

-Gemma Goodbye Lynn Thank You for welcoming me and mum into your home Your house is absolutely beautiful,

-Anne Yes Goodbye Lynn. Ooo or maybe future In law

-Harry Mum Shh, Well Goodbye Lynn The Time I Spent With You Guys Has been amazing I can't thank you enough For welcoming me into your home

-Lynn You are very welcome Harry And is just like to say Thank you so much

-Harry For what?

-Lynn For making My jade the most happiest girl in the world, She really does love you Harry.

-Harry I know, And I love her too I would do anything to make her happy

-Lynn I know you will Harry, Your a good kid I'm so happy you're the boy that has Jade's Heart,
Goodbye Harry.

-Harry Goodbye Lynn

-Harry I love you so much Jade

-Jade I love you too Harry

-Harry I'll See you later then

-Jade See you later Harry

It All Started With A Tweet ( A Harry Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now