Chapter 39

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-Harry Hi
-Jade Hi , I just came up to change real quick My mom needs me to go to the store So.
-Harry Oh Well maybe I can drop you guys off I have to go to the mall anyway
-Jade The mall?
-Harry Um yeah
-Jade For what?
-Harry Oh I just have to pick something up ,
-Jade Like?
-Harry A cellphone cover
-Jade A Cellphone cover?
-Harry Yeah
-Jade Ok Then . Well I'm gonna go change
-Harry Ok Love you
-Jade Love you too

-Anne Morning harry
-Harry Morning mum
Is Lynn in the kitchen?
-Anne Yes , Are you going to ask her now
-Harry Yeah but I'm so nervous. What if she says no
-Anne She Won't
-Harry How do you know?
-Anne Because I'm a mum
-Harry Good point. If Jade comes down while I'm still in there keep her out here please,
-Anne Ok. Where is she now?
-Harry Upstairs changing
-Anne Ok well you better get a move on then
-Harry Mum
-Anne Yes Harry
-Harry Thanks for everything

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