Chapter 10

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-Simon Hello Boys I just want you to know that you have done a great job these past few weeks With your rehearsals and planning the tour Now I know I don't show it but I really am proud of you. Now I think that's it You boys have 2 weeks off before the tour starts So go spend some time with your family.

-Liam Thank you Simon we couldn't have asked for a better mentor

-Louis We know we can be a pain sometimes but we really do appreciate everything you've done for us

-Niall What they said All I don't think I've ever been a pain.

-Harry You probably were at sometime Right Simon?

-Zayn I'm not saying nothing cause I know I'm his favorite Right uncle Simon?

-Simon Uhh Just Go Enjoy your time off You're wasting it,

-Harry But ?

-Simon Goodbye Boys.

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