Chapter 40

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-Harry Lynn Can I talk to you?
-Lynn Sure Harry what's on your mind
-Harry Well you probably know I love Jade with all my heart And I do want to spend the rest of my life with her
-Lynn Yes Go on
-Harry Well I came to ask for your blessing to ask Jade to marry me
I would be the happiest in the world If you did
I promise to take care of her and be with her And love her every second of every day I would never do anything to hurt her or make her cry I'd do my best to make her happy I'd give her the world if she wants it
Please Say you'll give your blessing
-Lynn Harry I couldn't have picked a better boy for Jade then you, Of course you have my blessing
-Harry Thank you Lynn so much I promise I'll take care of jade
I love her so much
Thank you.
-Lynn your a sweetheart Harry I know you'll take care of my baby girl,

-Harry She Said Yes
Mum she said yes She gave us her blessing
-Anne Next is the most hardest part of the whole thing
Will Jade Say Yes.

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