Writers Note

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Hello Muffins.
Hope you all Are enjoying my story :)
I have put so much time and effort and love Into it I really do hope you like it
And Love reading it as much as I loved writing it.
As most of you know Wattpad gives out awards every year For different categories Well this year I put this book in : D
So If You have Twitter you can vote as many times as you'd like
Just by Tweeting :
It All Started With A Tweet ( A Harry Fanfic ) #Wattys2014
It would mean the world to me If you voted. Don't forget my Twitter is @Jesy_Shay and my personal Twitter is @1DNashCalLuv
Thank you to everyone who has read my story & Voted
Love you lots like jelly tots <3
Love - Jesy

It All Started With A Tweet ( A Harry Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now