Chapter 43

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-Lynn Jade Everyone's here
-Jade Grandma, Grandpa
-Lily (grandma) Hello Jade
-Darrance (grandpa) So where's this boyfriend I haven't met yet
-Jade Everyone This Is my boyfriend Harry Styles
-Candice (Aunty) Well It's Very Nice To Meet You Harry, We have heard so much about you
-Jade These are my Uncles James , Sam & Calum
-Harry It's nice to meet you
-Jade These Are my cousins Mya ,daisy & diamond
-Jade This is his Mom Anne , His father Des , His step father Robin, His Sister Gemma And these are his friends Liam, Zayn , Niall & Louis
-Candice It's very nice to meet you all
-Grandpa Well he looks like a good guy You have my blessing
-Candice Same Here
-Harry Thank you , I won't let you down
-Lexi Jade
-Jade Ahh Lexi
-Lexi Ah I missed you
-Jade I missed you too
-Lexi So where's this boy you've been going on about
-Jade Right Here
Harry This is my best friend Lexi
Lexi this is My boyfriend Harry
-Lexi It's nice to meet you Harry
-Harry It's nice to meet you Lexi
-Lynn Guys the food is done so let's all go outside to the shade
-Jade Coming Harry?
-Harry yeah I'll be right there

It All Started With A Tweet ( A Harry Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now