Chapter 22

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-Jade What'd the boys say?
-Harry I got a hold of Niall he said he'd love to come, But The others aren't answering
-Jade Well they're call back
-Harry I asked Niall if he could tell them
-Jade well make sure they know Saturday at 5pm
-Harry I'll Text them
It's 2:30am Shell we go to bed now?
-Jade Uh sure Or we could watch a scary movie
-Harry no I'm kind of tired tonight
-Jade Oh well you should go to sleep I'll be down here
-Harry Jade
-Jade Yes?
-Harry You don't want to sleep with me in the room do you?
-Jade No that's not it,
-Harry Yes it is
-Jade No it's not
It's just
-Harry What?
-Jade I um I just thought you'd want to watch a movie
-Harry No I'm good
-Jade Oh ok then just let me make sure everything is off then I'll be up
-Harry No you go ahead and go I'll turn everything off
-Jade are you sure?
-Harry Yeah go ahead

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