Digimon Adventure

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- Yagami Taichi 八神 太一
(DigiPartner: Agumon)
(Crest of Courage)

- Ishida Yamato 石田 ヤマト
(DigiPartner: Gabumon)
(Crest of Freidnship)

- Takenouchi Sora 武之内 空
(DigiPartner: Piyomon)
(Crest of Love)

- Izumi Koshiro 泉 光子郎
(DigiPartner: Tentomon)
(Crest of Knowledge)

- Tachikawa Mimi 太刀川 ミミ
(DigiPartner: Palmon)
(Crest of Sincerity)

- Kido Joe 城戸 丈
(DigiPartner: Gommamon)
(Crest of Reliability)

- Takaishi Takeru 高石 タケル
(DigiPartner: Patamon)
(Crest of Hope)

- Yagami Hikari 八神 ヒカリ
(DigiPartner: Tailmon)
(Crest of Light)


On August 1, 1999, seven children are transported into the Digital World by Digivices that appeared before them at summer camp, where they befriend several Digimon (Digital Monsters). The kids' Digivices allow their partner Digimon to Digivolve into stronger forms and combat enemies.

As the kids explore to find a way home, they learn that they are "DigiDestined", children chosen to save the Digital World. After defeating Devimon, the DigiDestined are contacted by Gennai, who tells them to travel to the Server Continent to retrieve artifacts called Crests, which allows their Digimon partners to Digivolve past their current level.

After defeating Etemon, the DigiDestined are tormented by Myotismon (Vamdemon in the sub), who attempts to prevent them from using the power of Crests. Myotismon searches for the eighth DigiDestined in the human world, who they later learn to be Kari, Tai's sister.

When Myotismon reveals his true form, Agumon and Gabumon achieve Mega forms through Warp Digivolution to defeat him. When the boundaries between the human and Digital Worlds begin to intersect, the DigiDestined return to the Digital World to face the Dark Masters, who have each taken control of a part of the Digital World.

In the midst of their battles, they learn that they were chosen to save the human and Digital Worlds from encountering Digimon in the human world four years ago. However, tension leads to infighting within the group and causes them to temporarily separate. After reflecting, the DigiDestined reunite to defeat Piedmon, the last Dark Master, and confront Apocalymon, who attempts to destroy both worlds.

Apocalymon destroys their Crests, but the DigiDestined realize the power of their Crests were inside them all along and use them to defeat him. With the Digital World restored, Tai and his friends leave their Digimon partners behind and return to their normal lives.

 With the Digital World restored, Tai and his friends leave their Digimon partners behind and return to their normal lives

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Personal Rating: 8-9/10

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