Digimon Adventure 02

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- Yagami Hikari
(DigiPartner: Tailmon)
(Digimental of Light)

- Takaishi Takeru
(DigiPartner: Patamon)
(Digimental of Hope)

- Motomiya Daisuke 本宮 大輔
(DigiPartner: V-mon)
(Digimental of Courage and Friendship)

- Inoue Miyako 井ノ上 京
(DigiPartner: Hawkmon)
(Digimental of Love and Sincerity)

- Hida Iori 火田 伊織
(DigiPartner: Armadillomon)
(Digimental of Knowledge and Reliability)

- Ichijoji Ken 一乗寺 賢
(DigiPartner: Wormmon)


Four years after the events of Digimon Adventure, the Digital World is invaded by the Digimon Emperor, who is enslaving Digimon with the Dark Rings while building Control Spires that negate Digivolution. To fight him, three new DigiDestined are recruited, each gaining an ancient Digimon for a partner.

The three, along with Takeru and Hikari, each possess a D-3, a new type of Digivice that allows them to open a gate to be transported to the Digital World through any computer. They are also given D-Terminals that hold Crest-themed Digi-Eggs that allow their Digimon partners to undergo Armor Digivolution to counter the presence of Control Spires.

The Digimon Emperor, revealed to be boy genius Ken Ichijoji, flees to the Digital World. Assisted by Ken's partner, Wormmon, the DigiDestined defeat Ken and have him realize his mistakes. While the DigiDestined rebuild the Digital World, Daisuke, Miyako and Iori unlock normal Digivolution.

At the same, they ally themselves with a reformed Ken, who joins the team to fight Arukenimon, a Digimon who revives the Control Spires as other Digimon. When the Control Spire Digimon prove to be stronger than them, the DigiDestined learn DNA Digivolution, which enable two champion-level Digimon to merge into a stronger ultimate-level one.

When Arukenimon creates BlackWarGreymon, he begins to destroy each Destiny Stones, hoping to fight Azulongmon, who appears when each Stone is destroyed. After BlackWarGreymon flees, Azulongmon warns the DigiDestined about an impending threat behind Arukenimon and Mummymon.

During Christmas, Control Spires appear across the human world, bringing Digimon with them. While the DigiDestined set off with Imperialdramon to destroy them with the help of the international DigiDestined, Arukenimon and Mummymon begin kidnapping several children for Yukio Oikawa, a friend of Cody's father who dreams of entering the Digital World.

Once the DigiDestined return to Japan, they fight the Daemon Corps while Oikawa uses the Dark Spore inside Ken to implant them into the children. BlackWarGreymon sacrifices himself to seal the portal to the Digital World at Highton View Terrace, before Oikawa and the kids can transport there.

The DigiDestined are transported to a Dream World with Oikawa and the kids, where Myotismon splits from Oikawa and uses the energy from the Dark Spores to be reborn as MaloMyotismon (BelialVamdemon in the sub). With help from the DigiDestined all over the world, the DigiDestined defeat MaloMyotismon and Oikawa sacrifices himself to rebuild the Digital World.

Twenty five years later, humans and the Digimon live side by side, with the Original and new DigiDestineds' kids now defending the Digital World.

Twenty five years later, humans and the Digimon live side by side, with the Original and new DigiDestineds' kids now defending the Digital World

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Personal Rating: 6-7/10

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