Pretty girls!!

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My name is Y/N and I go to Westfield high And we're in the middle of our Junior year, and well it's seems like Kimberly, Jenifer, Noel and I run the school pretty much. I guess we're the pretty or popular girls whatever you wanna call it. But I'm the quiet one in the group I don't say much and I don't make the calls that's Kimberly's job, but she's also the school slut, only 17 and has had almost 40 boyfriends. And all the boys know and they all still want her. They're all hoes... god. But right now we're walking down the hallway to our last class, well me and Noel's last class. Kimberly waves bye to us and Jenifers dumbass cuts in front of me and bumps into this girl and makes her drop her stuff "Hey watch where the hell your going, Freak!" Jenifer yells at her in the fakest valley girl accent, god I hate that bitch. "Bitch." The girl says under her breath as she collects her things and makes her way to class. Noel and I make our way to math, me and Noel are very close to each other, and well the other two are... the other two, math is one of my favorite periods in the day I love my teacher and there's this boy who sits on my right, yes I sit in the middle of him and Noel. But he has shaggy blonde hair and the prettiest brown eyes and the most amazing smile, ughhh and his little dimples are soooo cute! His name is Tate, he was quiet at first but he got comfortable around me just enough, I mean we've talked just a little but not about anything deep like Aliens or 'The meaning of life'. But Noel is mad at me that we don't speak more, for gods sake we live right next to each other, but never mind that. Tate sits down next to me finally I almost thought he was picked up early or something. "Hi Tate!" I say with a smile when he sits down. "Hey Y/N." He says smiling at me I see his cheeks turn a light pink, is he... blushing. I mean I know I could get any boy or girl in this school, but I want him, even Kimberly said he was hot one time, which is one of the very few things that I agree on with her...

Tate's POV

Y/N, shit she's so hot, but it be different if it was Violet or something, Y/N is one of the popular girls. What the fuck would she want with me, those bitches bully me but she's never there and neither is Noel, and Noel is sweet too but those other two sluts are assholes. I zone out thinking about never seeing those two again but my thoughts where interrupted, Y/N has gotten up to turn in her worksheet and on her way up there she put her hand in my hair. I wish she could do that every morning when I wake up, she smiles at me with her lipgloss covered lips she shoots a wink at me as the bell rings and her and Noel walk out of the door, I rush through my locker to catch Vi leaving French. "Tate!" I hear Violet yell down the hallway she runs through half the seniors. "What's up, did Y/N speak to you today?" She asked out the breath. "Yeah we talked and she touched my hair!" I said proudly but not too loud, I get my science book out of my locker and head to the bus and so does Violet. I get to the bus and I let Violet in front of me and before I sit down Y/N and I make eye contact, she waves at me excitedly, Jennifer yanks her hand down and Y/N smiles weakly at me.


I didn't say anything for the rest of the bus ride only five minutes till these Petty bitches stop, but sadly Jenifer breaks the silence. "So Y/N how was your day?" She ask tapping me harshly. "It was fine..." I say trailing off. I feel Noel smile at me "Yeah and math was awesome." Noel said through a smile. I quickly turn around and shoot glare at her with a light smile only for her to see. Finally the bus stops and Kimberly gives me air kisses on both my cheeks then Jenifer gets up to leave also. "Okay okay now scoot over!!" Noel says as soon as the bus starts moving and brings herself and her books next to me. "Why would you say that in front of them!" I said laughing into her shoulder. "What you're telling me you didn't make his little friend bigger than it already is." She said casually loud. I push her "Stop, I did not give him a Boner!" I whisper yelled at her. "Whatever you say Mrs. Langdon." "Oh hush." I say as we get to our stop Tate, Noel, The girl from earlier, and I get off the bus. I start to walk towards my house and the girl stops me. "By the way you did give him a boner." She said so calmly like it wasn't a big deal. "Also my names violet." She says putting her hand out. "Nice to meet you Violet." I say smiling. "Nice to meet you too Y/N." See, what I mean everyone knows my name... and I hate it. We wave goodbye and I start to walk to my house, I wonder what's in store for tomorrow...

A/N: BTW when I include pictures in my story I will put choices based on race/ skin color, cause I know it's some Diversity in the Evan Peters Fandom and NO ONE shall be left out!!

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