Teenage Dirtbag

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// A week before school ends\\


Two months have past and almost everything has changed Me and Noel don't speak to Kimberly or Jenifer anymore, thank god. Violet and I have become best friends.... and yes me and Tate have been dating for almost two months now March 22, 1994 will definitely be marked down as one of the best days of my life, I spend more time over Tate's house then I do in my own now. But honestly it's worth it, I bring my makeup over so me and Addy can play with it and me and Tate cuddle while listening to Nirvana and surprisingly Constance is a little more caring than I thought... towards me at least. She's shown me how to cook and me and Addy bake with her every Thursday afternoon now. Plus Tate got a car so we don't need to ride the bus anymore he happily takes all three of us to school. But it's the last Wednesday of the year and I decide to go in my closet and throw this on:

 But it's the last Wednesday of the year and I decide to go in my closet and throw this on:

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And I made my way over to Tate's house

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And I made my way over to Tate's house. I knock on the door quietly hoping at least Someone was up to let me in, I'm sick of hearing my parents arguing every damn morning the only peace I get is on Fridays and about an hour after I get home. I knock again lighter this time and Addy opens the door and claps quietly. "Hi Y/N." She says excitedly. "Tate is still sleeping." She whispers in my ear, I shake my head walking up the stairs into his room, it's like 7:10 he only has 20 minutes to get read what the hell is wrong with him. I open his door as quite as I can. "No, mom!" He groans into his pillow "It's me baby." I said walking closer to his bed... I rubbed his back "come on tater tot!!" I say in my baby voice, knowing he doesn't like that nickname. "Oh hell no." He says sitting up in his bed. "Babe it's really late come on." I said straddling him, Tate grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him I bite my lip and try to hold in a smile. I give him a peck on his lips, then a pouty face. "One more kitten." He whispers in my ear, I'm a virgin and I've never been touched at all but damn all the little pet names and all the whispering things in my ear and waist grabbing makes me wanna do things. I give him two more pecks, and he smiles. "Now get up!" I said to him getting off top of him. Tate goes into the bathroom and I hear the shower running, I've never met anyone who takes showers as long as him, we're definitely going to be late for school. I look on his dresser and I see a book about birds. I turn it to the back and I open it interested to see about a white bird I had seen on the back, I go to scratch my head and I rip my earring out of my ear in the process. I curse to myself then I get on the floor to see where the earring went, I see it shine under Tate's bed I reach under there as I hear the door open but I miss my earring and touch something else. Tate looks at me and almost slams his door shut and locks it. "Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?"he asked with a shaky voice, poor thing couldn't even get mad at me. "Tate I'm sorry I dropped my earring and it rolled under your bed, but what the hell is that under there..." I trailed off. Tate looks at the ground and me being curious I drop to my knees and I go under the bed and I feel for what's under there Tate try's to stop me but it's no use. "TATE YOU HAVE A G-." Tate covers my mouth before I finish my sentence. "Fuck, you have two at that! What did you need those for?" I asked him concerned. "I was going to do something bad on the last day of school, I mean I've been planning it for a while but since you came into my life, I don't want to do those things anymore..." Tate got quieter the more he spoke, he didn't explain much but I knew what he was talking about, he had been bullied since freshman year I mean shit who doesn't want to blow up the school, kids are assholes. But I'd never act on it. "Tate where you going to hurt me?" I ask him a little scared now at the thought of him actually doing those things, I'm not going to break up with my boyfriend for having those thoughts but I do want to talk it out with him. He starts to cry and he comes to me for a hug. "No- no I'd never hurt you Y/N... I love you too much." Did he just say I love you... for the first time. "I love you too Tate." I pull away from him and I wipe his tears. "Hey umm, do you wanna skip today?" Tate ask me like it's not a big deal. Usually I would say no but my parents are worried about me anyways. "Yes" I answer him with a kiss. "I mean look outside it's really gloomy, so we can stay inside, read and listen to music and make out... if you want." He said putting his big hands on my arms and picking me up. "Baby put me downnnn!!" I said in a baby voice. "Just because we aren't leaving the house doesn't mean I don't have to put on clothes." He said kissing my cheek. I go lay down on his bed I rub my face into his pillow happily. "Y/N don't get to comfortable in my bed." Tate said laughing at my behavior. "I just like how you smell baby that's all." I say quickly sitting up. I watch Tate as he slips on his jeans, god he is so fucking hot. He puts on one of his sweaters and I smile. "Babe you know it's May right?" He nods his head at me then shrugging his shoulders. "Yeah I know baby." He says kissing my forehead. I smile softly at him as he paces his room. "So What are we doing today! It's my first time skipping school...." I trail off looking away from him. I feel him staring at me, I look up to meet his gaze... he snickers which makes his dimples visible, the very thing that made me fall in love with him in the damn first place. "You're actually a good girl, I'm shocked." He says in a mocking way, I get off of his bed to playfully hit him on his chest. "You know what?" Tate says opening his door and looking around to see if anyone was home. "I kinda wanna show you something..." He trails off. "Well what is it?" I asked confused but excited for what Tate had planned. "Let me go get Addy, just stay here." Tate says scrambling off to go find his sister, about five minutes later he finally come back with Addy. "Come on we talked about this last night I said I'd show her." Tate scolded Addy quietly. "But what if she says something?" Addy Questioned him. "She won't now go!" He shoos her away, then walks over to me. "Y/N come here." He says pulling me to the middle of the hallway, Tate pulls down the stairs to the attic and I turn my face up in confusion. Should I be scared, should I be excited, or should I stay here? Tate makes his way up the stairs and gestures me to follow him, I hesitate then I eventually go up the stairs I jump a little when I see Addy sitting up there all alone. "Addy what are you doing up here all by yourself?" I ask her after Tate closes the door to the attic. "I'm not alone!" She exclaims with a big smile. I slowly back up into Tate to feel some sort of comfort after Addy's comment... "That's why we brought you up here Y/N." I sink into Tate's chest and look up at him. "So you know how I said I have an older brother?" Tate trailed off, rubbing my upper arm trying to relax me. "Yes..." I say just a little nervously looking around. "Beau come out!" Tate semi yells. I hear a heavy chain drag across the wood floor, then my eyes we're met with a disfigured face. But I wasn't disgusted or upset with Tate or Addy from keeping this from me. I wave at him and smile, and he gets excited. "Here!" Addy gives me a small red ball. I give a toothless smile to Beau and roll the ball. He cautiously picks up the ball and looks at me and rolls it back then makes himself become more visible. I can feel Tate staring at me and smiling. "So you like him?" Tate ask walking up behind me touching my shoulder. "Yes, he's so sweet." I say watching Beau get more excited every time I roll the ball, I think he's happy someone new is up here playing with him... showing interest in him. I roll the ball one last time, then I stand up and walk towards Tate. "Who's idea was it to keep him up here like this?" I asked him with a little disappointed. "Well I wasn't here when they made that decision, but you can ask my mom." He says shrugging but smiling over my shoulder like a proud dad with his arms crossed. "I come up here and play with him when I'm bored or you don't come over." Tate continues. I hear the ball roll across the floor, assuming that Addy is playing with him now. "So you guys are just going to keep him up here forever?" I ask getting a little upset, but I calm myself down realizing I could be getting upset with the wrong person. "Oh believe me I've asked my mom could he at least get a room upstairs but she refuses, I'm not sure if you can tell but I'm her favorite." He says that last part winking at me. I see Constance showing favoritism to Tate honestly but that's not my issue right now, I want to know why Beau is up here all alone, doesn't he get lonely, does he even get to eat? I keep these questions for myself, deciding to just wait to see how this whole arrangement goes...

// an hour later\\

All three of us finally leave the attic after keeping Beau company for hours and Tate telling us bullshit stories about this house, once Addy runs off somewhere and Tate closes the attic door he pulls me in for a passionate kiss. "I love you so much." He said caressing my cheek. "I love you too Tate." I say kissing him again. "You're the only girl I've dated that excepted Beau and at least acted like you loved him, you didn't scream when you saw him or anything." He said praising me and looking into my eyes with so much love. "I'll walk you home, okay." Tate says looking outside. He puts his hand in mine and proceeds to walk me to my house, when we get to my door I give him a pouty face and I hug. I kiss him trying to make it quick, not adding tongue. "Please tell Addy I said bye." He smiled at me. "Don't worry I will. Tate says walking off of my door step. "Wait-." I say making Tate turn around. "And if you get a chance tell Beau I love him." I say smiling, then closing my door...

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