Chapter 1: You're moving!

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Anna's pov:

I was walking along the sidewalk that leads to my house and was about to take a turn since, my house is in the middle and I have to turn on the corner, when all of a sudden, I felt someone grab my arm and pull me forcibly towards them into an alley. I panic since, I'm being faced the other side and couldn't see who the person was. I was about to hit them when they turn me around to face them.

After seeing who it is, I let out a sigh of relief and hug him.

"Oh my goodness! You scared me Spike!"

"Hahaha! Really? Well, that's what I planned."

"Ugh. Jerk!" I hit him playfully. He laughs then turns serious.

"Listen, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" I look at him curiously since his expression only shows seriousness and not the smirk he always has on.

"Well, umm........."

"Well? Umm....? What?"

"What I wanted to tell you is that......"

"What! Tell me what!? Spike, just spit it out!"

Just as Spike was gonna tell me what he wanted to Randy walks to where we are, probably since we're screaming well, technically me.

"Hey freaks! What's goin' on?" He says while hugging Spike and I in which I roll my eyes at.

"I'm moving!" Spike blurts out.

"What!?" Randy and I say at the same time.

"You're moving!" We say again at the same time. I look at Spike in complete shock and sadness while Randy looks like if  he's about to cry. Awww. He's gonna miss him too.

Randy's pov:

Yes! Yes! Yes! Par-ty! I was so excited and happy that I felt like crying. Crying tears of joy! He's finally leaving,  he's finally leaving! Yes!

Of course, I have to hide my happiness since Anna looked sad and I didn't want her to know that I wanted him to leave. But it was so hard to hide my happiness I wanted to just run off and jump up and down but I couldn't do that especially now. So instead I made a quick get away.

"Woah. I'm so sorry Spike. Can't believe you're leaving." I say trying to look sad. I then think of something else that can really get me outta here, so I fake cried in front of them.

"I'm sorry but this is too much for me." *sniff* "Sorry, I gotta go! I'm gonna miss you buddy." I hug him awkwardly and leave.

Once, I'm out of their sight. I run across the neighborhood. I then start jumping up and down. I then enter my house, go to my room, turn on the stereo, blast on the "Happy" song by Pharrel, and sing and dance to it. By screaming "Joy! Oh! Joy!" at the top of my lungs.

Anna's pov: 

Randy must have been really upset with the news since he started to cry and left quickly. Awwww. Now it was my turn to start crying.


"Because, my dad is really sick and I need to go take 'care of him'" He says while putting air quotes at the end.

"Wait, so you're going back to your home town!" He nods.

"Yep. Guess I'm going back to Pharaoh." I flinch when he says that name. There have been many stories and legends that have happened or claimed to happen in that town.

"But that town is dangerous." I say worried.

"Pshhh! Sweety please, my middle name is danger."

"I thought it was Jay?"

"Ugh. Please don't say that name again. It's horrible." He whines.

"Sorry, but please don't go! Don't leave me alone."

"I have to go. Plus I don't really have a choice. It's either go to Pharaoh...." *chills* "Or stay here and get locked up...... Again. So I chose to get locked up, but my dad said he would pay me for this so I'm taking it."

"Oh. Well, how long will you stay?"

"Well, I guess until he gets better or until he's dead." He smirks. I roll my eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you, so much!" I hug him tight.

"Yeah. Wish I could say the same."

I break the hug and raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'm just playing, babe." He laughs.

"Listen, I gotta go since I'm leaving early tomorrow."

He then kisses me on the head and walks off to his house, which won't be his anymore.

I then decide to leave to my house. Once I enter, it's silent. I go upstairs to check on Randy. Once I enter I notice that he's knocked out on his bed. Poor Randy, he must have cried himself to sleep. Which, I did, right when I entered my room.

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