Chapter 2: Goodbye

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Anna's pov:

Today is the worst day of my life. When the person that I fell in love with, for 3 years already, will leave me. He will be far away from me and I won't be able to see him anymore. *Cries inside* I know I'm exaggerating here, but come on he's my boyfriend and I love him. Don't judge!

I get up from my bed take a slow shower, dress in my "bunny" pajamas, and head to Randy's room to wake him up.

Randy's pov:

I felt someone shaking me from my shoulder. I just groaned and turned around. I felt them shake me again.

"Randy get up." I just groaned.

"Come on Randy, get up" I groaned again.

"Randy, get up now!"

I rise from the bed and glare at no one other than Anna.

"What!? What do you want!?"

"Well, I wanted you to take me to say goodbye to Spike."

"Oh, well....." Oh yeah, today's the day! No more having to see that jerk face ever again. Yes!

"Grab your things and get ready, while I take a quick shower. K?"

She nods.

I take a quick shower, get dressed in a solid white-T, jeans and my black converse then head downstairs. Once I get downstairs I see Anna just sitting on the couch, staring at...... nothing in particular. Weird.

"Hey, I'm ready." I say. She blinks and turns to face me.

"Good. Let's go."

"Woah, woah, woah! Where do you think you're going? Aren't you gonna change?"

"No. What's the point?" She then heads out the door and strolls over to the truck.

What the heck is wrong with her? She looks so sad and mopey..... Oh and depressed. Ewww.

I then head over to where Anna was, unlocked the truck doors, got in the driver's seat, and drove off to Spike's place.

Amy's pov:

I felt all depressed, sad, and mopey. I hated it, but what can I do. I can't force Spike to stay here. He has to go help his dad it's the right thing to do. Just let him go. K?

When we arrived to Spike's house he had his suitcases ready and was talking to someone on his phone, probably his dad. We then exit the truck and head towards Spike.

"....Ugh. Alright dad........ Yes I have everything........ Mostly........  But I need to..... Fine....... Yes I'll call you..... Bye." He hangs up looking annoyed.


"Hey. Woah! You look...... Amazing." He says while faking a smile.

"Gee, thanks."

"Sup, dude. So what time do ya leave?"

"Well, bro. I'm about leave right now."

"Oh well goodbye. I'll see you later buddy."

"Same here." They do the handshake-side hug thing.

"And Anna. My Anna. I'm gonna miss you babe."

"Me too." I say as tears stream down my face. I run to give Spike a big hug.

I release him giving him a kiss while Randy looks like he's gonna puke. After we break up the kiss he grabs his bags, gets in his car, and drives off heading to Pharaoh while waving at us.

Goodbye, my love.

Randy's pov:

I see as Spike's car drives off to go to Pharaoh. I excitedly cheer and jump around like a kid on a sugar high, in my head. I then turn around to see Anna crying. I feel bad and go to give her a hug.

"Come on let's go home." I say while leading her to the truck and driving back home.

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