Chapter 6: Yo where's the drive thru!

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Randy's pov:

I was driving as fast and as far away as I could from that place. I was really scared and terrified from the guys face. Eww! It had these ugly scars, burns, and no right eyeball. Even gross! He scared the gas out of me. Literally. I could've farted the whole alphabet, if I could.

"Randy stop farting! Will you!? It stinks in here!"

"Excuse me, but I 'toot' not 'fart'. Why don't you open a window or something?!"

"I don't care what you call those, it still comes out from your end and fine." Anna clicks the button on the door and rolls it down.


"Better." She says in relief.

"So, where are we heading to?" She asks.

"I don't know? How 'bout we go grab a bite, huh?"

"Sure, but where?"

"Stop asking questions! I don't know everything!  Plus, I'm still a little freaked out from what just happened a few minutes ago." I say.

"Yeah, I'm also still a little freaked out as well and I can tell by the way you have been 'letting out your fear'." We laugh then stayed silent, while I was still driving to who-knows-where.

It was really quiet for me, since I don't usually stay quiet for this long even though it was only about 2 or 3 minutes.

"So.... ?"

"So....?  What?"

"Where do ya wanna eat, dude?"

"I don't know!? And I'm not a dude, dude!?"

"Well, sorry!? Girl! Now let me ask you again. Where do ya wanna eat girl!? Nah, doesn't sound right. How 'bout lady?"

"Shut up! Will you?"

"I guess you don't wanna eat, then?"

"No, no, no. I do. I'm starving, but we don't know where to go, since we don't live and haven't been in this  place before."

"I know. I guess we'll just have to go cruisin' around, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Anna's pov:

I was so tired and hungry. Randy just kept on driving around and talking about I-don't-know-what. I mostly blocked out everything he was saying.

".... How do ya think people make starbursts? Are the commercials true? Does it....... "

Ugh. Yawn. Someone please make him stop already. I'm really annoyed by him. Why did I bring him with me anyways!?

"... Can people actually get wings from drinking Redbull? Cuz when I drank it, all I got was a boost of energy, then a headache. It was like I was on a sugar high, but times two."

"Shut up Randy! I don't care about your dumb sugar high! I think I'm getting a headache. And where are we heading to anyways?"

"How should I know? I told you I was goin' cruisin' around this... this..." He stops and tilts his head a little, while making a confused face. It looked more like a constipated face.

"State? No. Country? No. Is it a City?...."

"Oh, my goodness! It's a town, you idiot!" I yell in frustration. Man, he really needs to know his map. I can't believe he graduated. Seriously, who gave him his diploma and how did he pass! Did he copy his way through high school? Hmm?

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