Chapter 7: Is that Donatello on the back?

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Randy's pov:

Anna was acting really strange when we left the little diner. She was shaking in fear. I tried asking her what's wrong, but she kept changing the subject or didn't say anything at all. After a while, I decided to leave her alone, but then I got bored.

"Hey, kiddo you okay?"

"Yeah." She mumbled.


"Where do ya wanna go to?"

She just kept staring forward in deep thought and didn't answer. She looked almost lost.

"Alright. How 'bout we stay somewhere, since it's getting kinda late and I'm tired. What do ya say?" She nods.

I then head onto a lane where it has a sign saying when there are hotels and motels available for us, tourists, to stay in. I follow it until I see the first little motel called Motel 7. Weird, I've heard of Motel 6, but never a 7? Oh, well. I enter the driveway and make my way to the parking lot.

"Listen, I need you to stay here for the mean time I'm gonna get us a room, K?" She nods. I head towards the motels office and ask for a room for two people. They gave me a paper to sign, again, for the confirmation or whatever and payed them the amount. The guy from the front desk looked at me in a creepy way. As in he had a huge smile plastered on his face almost like the joker from Batman. He immediately gave me the key to our room.

"Enjoy your staaay." He says in a slow and high pitched voice, I could feel the chills coming up my spine.

"Uh, Thanks. Creep." I mumble the last part rushing out of the office and head back to the truck.

Just as I'm heading to the truck I notice that Anna is missing. I freak out a little and look around the area. Nothing. I decide to slowly walk towards the sidewalk to make sure she didn't walk away. I notice a person walking towards the street, I squint a little to try to get a clearer view. Then I notice that it isn't just a person, it was a girl and it wasn't just a girl, it was Anna. She looked lost as if in a trance or maybe hypnotised. I immediately run to her and begin to shout in order to get her attention.

"Anna!" I scream. Nothing.

"Anna!" I scream again, but she doesn't listen. She keeps walking forward heading for the street. I try to run as fast as I can, before she gets hit by a car or something bad happens to her.

I see a car heading toward Anna's way, about a block away and notice that Anna is now heading towards the middle of the street. Shit! I think running faster. It seems as if the way to the street got longer or is getting longer. Like if it doesn't want me to save Anna.

"Anna!" I scream again. She's still walking and finally stops in the middle of the road. By now the car is only a few feet away from hitting Anna. I keep running and watch in horror as the car got closer and closer.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Just as the car was about to hit Anna, she immediately jumps, no, does a front flip over the car, and lands straight on her feet in the middle of the street, as if she were a gymnastic. I stop and stare at her in shock. She gasps and blinks a couple of times still standing there. She turns in every direction, until she spots me. Once she spots me she starts running at me with tears forming in her eyes. Before I can comprehend what just happened she's already where I am and embraces me in a tight hug.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. Everything will be fine. Okay?" I coo her while she sobs harder.

After a while of her crying into my shirt she breaks the hug, while wiping her tears away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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