Chapter 9

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"That's the last of of it." The pink hedgehog said while zipping up her luggage.

The black and crimson streaked hedgehog was waiting with his arms folded and stated "Are you ready?"

The pinkette didn't have to even think twice about what he was referring to as she made her way over to the ebony hedgehog.

Once taking a seat next to him, emerald green orbs eyes filled with wonder. As he unfolded the piece of paper that had once been carefully tucked away inside the envelope was now being held in his grip, while the two of them read the written words.

August 24, 1912

If you're reading this then you have made it to the first location. I'm sure you're probably wondering what is you must find here, and unfortunately no matter how hard I want to tell you, I cannot because I would risking everyone's life if all went wrong. However, all I can say is that the first of many items hidden through out the forest is located inside the building.

Note that after the object is found, it's the upmost important to keep it safely guarded. Lastly, and I'm sure this has already been mentioned by the Roses but I'm just going to say it again. Make sure that you work together to help each other along way because there are going to be a series of test further down the line, that'll prove just how strong the bond actually is.

Best of luck,
Jeffery Hedgehog

It was as if time stood still while the two hedgehogs took a minute to process everything that they had just learned. Although the note wasn't about the cherry pink hedgehogs family this is around, she still had a surprised look appear on her features by what she had seen. As for the black and crimson streaked hedgehog however, he had a lot of things going through his mind like: how long had the letter been sitting at the house him and Amy stayed in? Why didn't he think to ask his mother and father about the Hedgehogs family tree that way he would have a more better and clearer understanding as to who they were. While the ebony hedgehog continued to be deep in thought, emerald green eyes just happen to notice this and could tell that he was troubled.

'What's wrong, Shadow?' The Sakura colored hedgehog pondered with concerned filled eyes.

Once she peered up at him and they locked eyes, the petite female spoke up.

"Wait if my great great grandmother ran into your great great grandfather, you don't think..."

The black and crimson streaked hedgehog continued to have a serious demeanor and said "I wouldn't doubt that they joined forces to try and warn both the families."

"You have a point." The pink hedgehog chirped in agreement "But maybe there's a chance we'll meet people along the way who knew who they were."

"According to what I have heard, a lot of people that weren't even related to either of the two families helped them during the hard times." The ebony hedgehog explained.

The Sakura colored hedgehog had an arched brow and asked "What about after the war was over, where did they all go?"

The black and crimson streaked hedgehog shrugged his shoulders and exclaimed "Most of them probably went to go make a civilization where people could live. Because the city wasn't even in existence back then."

"It's easy to forget how easy we have it, that I usually don't take time appreciate what all my parents have done." The pinkette responded.

Crimson eyes saw that Emerald gems had went from having a puzzled look to a serious one in a matter of seconds.

"Because while we're growing up they are getting older." He replied "But it's important to know that their not going to be here forever."

The cherry pink hedgehog put her hand with the mark on it down on top of the hallow log in which they were sitting and stated "I'm fully aware of that, but it's hard to think about how one of these days they'll no longer be here with us."

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