Chapter 54 : The incident

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- "Attention to everyone. An incident had been reported. Consequently, the locker room area and the halls around are closed to let the police and the medical staff doing their jobs. By respect for them and the victims, I will ask you to not bother them and to cooperate if they want to ask you questions. Thank you."

The entire school heard this message from their headmaster. Max and Will, in the same class, looked at each other with a frown, not understanding. No one seemed to understand, but apparently something bad happened in the school. The teacher tried to continue his class, but the woman seemed as shaken up and preoccupied as them.

- "He won't tell us what happened!?" Max asked in a murmur.

- "Apparently not. He probably doesn't want to create a riot," Will whispered.

- "He did the best thing to create a riot, everyone will try to know what happened!"

Will pouted and shrugged, not knowing more than her.

- "By order of the chief of the police, classes are suspended and all the teachers are asked to come in my office. Thank you."

All the teens quickly put their school stuff in their bags and went in the corridor, looking for their friends.

- "Do you know what happened!?" Lucas asked.

- "Of course not!" Mike answered.

- "Do you think someone died?" Dustin said.

- "I hope it's Abigail!" Beverly intervened.

- "A bit extrem, but I saw no problem to see her a bit hurt," Will added.

- "No one has seen Jane!?" Max frowned.

The party all looked around, but there were too many people in the halls now and could barely see far. Max began to worry, something happened, and Jane wasn't here, it was more than a coincidence. Her friends shared her fear and began to search more.

- "We could try to sneak to it, to see if she is involved or not," Bev calmly proposed to not worry Max more.

The redhead nodded and followed their friends. They tried to go through the crowd who was amassed in the same hall, all stuck here. They finally reached the angle where a yellow band was installed with two cops in front of, trying to avoid the other teens to see.

- "Who are the victims!?" Lucas asked with no form of courtesy.

- "We can't tell you," the policeman answered with a serious tone.

- "Is Jane one of them!?"

- "We can't tell you!"

- "Don't talk to us like that, you piece of shit!" Mike got angry. "Jane is our friend and we need to know how she is! If you're too cunt to rea—"

- "Troy is there!" Will cut.

- "TROY!" all the teens called.

The black-haired boy heard them and looked at them. His tee-shirt and hands were covered of blood and his face was more than pale with wide opened eyes. He finished his conversation with the cop and slowly approached them.

- "Uuuh...hey," Troy said with a shaking voice.

- "Is it Jane!?" Dustin asked.

- "Don't answer boy, they are just curious," the policeman told.

- "Yes, it's her," the black-haired boy answered, ignoring the man.

- "Oh god! How is she!?" Max asked.

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