Devils Cross

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Devils Of Darkness

An all out war has broken out in this world and along came with it was the extinction of all humans. The evil demon that is behind all this chaos was named Perro. All he seeks is the enslavement of all mankind. Tijo's father, Carlos died at the hands Perro. As Tijo watch his father die, he didn't know what to do. He watched as his father pour out blood and the last words he spoke:

Carols: Son! Revenge my death! It's your time son! It's your destiny to kill him and make him suffer, for all he has done.

Tijo: But father. I need you. I can't even pick up a sword; I am not ready as he said with tears rolling in his face.

Carols: here take this!

Carlos poked more blood up as he handed him his sword.

Tijo: I can't take this, it's yours, and I'm not worthy to handle it.

Carlos: Tijo please it will give you the power to kill him you got to trust me. Goodbye Son.

As Carlos poked up more blood while he said his final words to his beloved son. More tears rolled from his face as he pledge for him to hang in there.

Tijo: Father no! Stay with me!

Tijo then came to realize it was too late for his father and soon the sword started to glow along with his rage to kill him. Perro started to laugh:

Perro: HaHaHaHaHa! Foolish one does he think you can kill me. What a joke. He was a fool trusting his own son and now you will die along with him.

Tijo looked at him with the desire to kill for revenge with hatred in his eyes


As he said with anger his sword glowed even more bright. He called out a special move that was fierce of a thousand suns that hit Perro. As Tijo move made contact it ripped his body in screeds. Perro said shockingly:

Perro: What the hell is this! I never have seen this before! Damn you Carlos. Damn you!

Part1 Devils Cross

Tijo went back to his home town known as Down Burro. It was a disserted town that was completely trashed.

Tijo: Where's Mai, there's no one here as he said to himself in his thoughts.

Then out of nowhere Mai came slashing at him with her sword.

Tijo: whoa! What the hell are you doing Mai!

Mai look at him with an evil glaze and smirked

Mai: Surprise! Now you die!

Tijo looked in shock to think that his best friend that was a girl would ever attack him.


Tijo was sitting by a burnt building still moaning after his father's death with his father's sword right beside his side. He was still in a daze when a strange girl seen him and deiced to see what was wrong.

??? : Hey what's wrong? She said concernedly with a smile on her face.

Tijo looked up at the girl with grief written all over his face.

Tijo: who are you?

??? : I am Mai. It's nice to meet you. May I ask what your name maybe? She said with joy over her face.

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