The Unexpected

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Ken and Coyote are stilling colliding head on until both of them heard laughter. They look around but still couldnt find out were it was coming from. Two shadowly figures appeared in front of them. Mai started to tremble with fear. Tijo smirked feeling excitement. One of the figures pointed a huge hammer at them.

???: so we finally met. Im kero I will be taking your life Tijo.

He started to twirl his hammer around getting ready to strike. The other figure gave his partner a glare.

???: you cant have all the fun kero.

Kero: first come first serve kamoto. I called him. You can take on the others.

Kamoto: fine but I wont save your ass if you get defeated. Now then lets get this over with.

4 hours before in hell

Perro sat at his throne as a king. He raised his hand up.

Perro: Kamoto and Kero meet them at the bridge of hate before they come to me. Dont fail me.

Kamoto: yes master.

Kero: ..........................

They both left and headed to their location.


Tijo and his comrades drawed their swords and prepared for battle. The two enemies got ready and charged at them. Mai still fearing for their lifes still wonders if they will make it out alive. As the battle will continue in the next chapter and all out battle against perro's henchmen.

To be continued
Chapter 11 Kings Henchmen

Sorry this is a short chapter been having things going on. Vote and Comment if you like it. Thanks in advance.

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