The Bridge of Hate

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As they finally arrived mai noticed how dark and gloom it was as she gazed at a bridge covered with blood. She looked sharply left and right sensing something was off. She finally let go of tijo and ken. Their bodies hit the ground as they were out conscious since they were dragged from the graveyard. The wind started to howl strongly. Mai looked head and notice a small log cabin. Something moved quickly as the trees started to shake. Mai continue to look at the same direction until a shadowly figure appeared standing at the end of the bridge covered in blood. Mai suddenly got a cold chill running down her spine. She looked back at tijo and ken as they were still knocked out conscious. She started to shake they both.

Mai: get up! This is no time sleeping.



Mai raised pulled her hand backwards and slaped both them so hard that they came back to themselfs. Tijo looked up at her with a pisst off look.

Tijo: what the hell was that for?

Ken stood there silently and looked over at the shadowly figure. He pointed at the figure.

Ken: I know who that is? Thats coyote the savage beast.

Tijo turned quickly and noticed that the shadowly figure was covered in blood. ken describe him right, he was a savage beast seeking for blood. The shadowly figure started to growl.

Coyote: why did you take him away from me?

He started to dash and pulled at his sword strapped on his back. Ken pulled at his sword and collided head on with him. Coyote letted out a hiss as he was seeking out blood to revenge his brother.

Coyote: Ken! You son of a bitch! Why did you take him away from me.

Ken: he had the right to go. He didnt tell you because he cares for you.

Coyote showed his teeth as they were sharp as a sharks teeth.

Coyote: Shut up! Its all lies!

Coyote dash back and toward him again with brute force. Ken knew he didn't have enough time to dodge his attack. He knew of Coyote's incredible speed. As he was about to brace for impact with the upcoming sword coming from above. A shadowly figure came in clashing head on with Coyote. All he heard was a sword being pulled out before the clash. He looked up and seen that Tijo was standing in front of him. Ken smiled at being saved by the man he almost killed.

Ken: thanks for the intervene.

Tijo: no problem I knew you would do the same.

Coyote dashed back. Tijo looked at him and noticed his killer instincts. He started to try to reason with the beast.

Tijo: he is telling the truth coyote. I should know how you feel. I lost my father to a demon. Now join us to defeat perro and his henchmen.

Mai started to yell concerned for the man she loves.

Mai: Tijo! You cant reason with a beast!

Tijo: dont worry I will be fine.

Coyote chuckle at Tijo's purposal. He started to put away his sword. Mai sighed being reliefed that everything is alright. She notice coyote was pointing his finger at Ken.

Coyote: I will help you out as long as this scum dont get in my way.

Ken then started to get frustrated with coyote but stood their in silence as it really pisst coyote off being ignored. Coyote growled at his silence.

Coyote: so you got nothing to say worthless scum.

Coyote turned away putting his hand down. Think that he won the argument.

Ken: theirs no sense in wasting my breath on a stubborn mutt.

Coyote started to get pisst being called a mutt. He turned toward ken.

Coyote: what was that scum?

Ken started to grin as he hitted a nerve.

Ken: do I have to say it again mutt?

Both them started to collide head on butting each other with their heads pushing each other back and forth. Tijo wanted to stop them but seen that it would not do any good.

To be continued
Chapter 10 The unexpected

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