Devils Recruitment

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Tijo and Mai sat down after there big love quarrel. Tijo started to remember what his father said to him in the spirit world. He then look at me.

Tijo: Mai. I got to tell you something.

Mai started to space out in confusion.

Mai: what is it.

Tijo starts to tell her the people that he has to find in order to defeat Perro.

Tijo: their are two people that are like me that I need to find and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me.

Mai smiles and tilts her head.

Mai: what silly question is that of course I will go. Where ever you go I will follow.

Tijo let out a big sigh as a thought came to mind.

Tijo: damn it. She knew what I was going to ask. Damn this bitch is smart.

Mai gets up and starts walking to the door. She turns middle ways and looks at Tijo.

Mai: we going or what?

Tijo smiled and got up.

Tijo: yea. let's get this over with.

Mai opened the door. They went out and Mai turned to Tijo with a question in mine.

Mai: where are we going first. You better answer fast before I end up hitting you again.

Tijo started to sweet and shakes his head.

Tijo: no. Theirs no need to do that.

Mai started to laugh at his reaction.

Mai: Awww I was looking forward to it.

Tijo lets out a big sigh while observing her smile

Tijo: damn women. why do you like hitting me like that.

Mai: because I think its fun.

Tijo: why dont you hit the enemy?

Mai giggled after hearing his question.

Mai: its more fun hitting you then the enemy. I love how you react when I hit you.

Tijo let out a big sigh knowing that there is no way to escape from being hit. He knows that's her way of showing affection.

Tijo: lets stay on track.

Mai sighed knowing that play time is over.

Mai: alright fine.

Tijo: the first place we need to go to is the graveyard of lost souls.

Tijo and Mai started walking through the forest. They were heading toward the graveyard of lost souls but what they dont know is the surprise that is waiting for them their.

To be continue
Chapter 7 The graveyard of lost souls

Devil of DarknessWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt