Father vs Son

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Tijo looked at his father in confusion thinking he just misunderstood.

Tijo: Defeat you? Is there another way back to my world?

Carlos pulls out his sword from his side with a grin.

Carlos: there’s no other way. Now then let’s see how much you grown.

Carlos points his sword at him. Tijo gritted his teeth and pulled out his sword. Tijo lets out a big sigh.

Tijo: Fine then; Time to see whose better old man.

Tijo charges in, as the two clashed head on, never of them bugging an edge. Carlos smirks at him.

Carlos: is that all you got. You’re a disgrace to our family.

Tijo gives his father an evil glare as their swords made contact. Tijo and Carlos then jump backwards from one another. Tijo then started to yell at his father.

Tijo: what was that old man?

Carlos slams his sword against the ground.

Carlos: you ignorant fool; do think you can defeat Perro with that strength.

Carlos points his sword at him.

Carlos: now come at me with everything you have. There is no point in holding back because I am already dead.

Tijo’s mind is now at ease hearing that he doesn’t have to hold back anymore. Tijo showed a smile grin as he grabbed his sword even tighter.

Tijo: Alright looks like I don’t have to hold back anymore. Be prepared old man this attack will finish this.

Tijo raised his sword up as it started to glow bright red.

Tijo: you never master this attack because you lack the training you needed. Now it will cost you.

Carlos smiled knowing that his son will only grow stronger in the future. Carlos started to yell.

Carlos: Fine then. Show me your power.

Tijo let out a smirk; knowing that his father has already met defeat.

Tijo: Alright then here I come. “Rage of thousand suns.”

As he came down with his sword glowing bright red; his father mumbled something as the red flames surrounded his body.

Carlos: Now I can finally rest in peace knowing that you will be alright without me.

The flames engulfed his body and then suddenly both of them were in a bland canvas with nothing around them. Tijo looked around and then turn to his father.

Tijo: Why am I not home? Where are we?

Carlos crossed his arms.

Carlos: You are in limbo. I am about to pass on into the afterlife, but there is something I need to tell you before I let you return to your world.

Tijo looked at him with a sad glance in his eyes, but he didn’t want to look so pathetic in front of his father.

Tijo: What is it that you want to tell me before you leave?

Carlos walked closer to his son and whispered in his ear.

Carlos: the other person you seek is at the bridge of hate. This is where we depart my son.

Tijo: I guess this is where we say goodbye old man but don’t expect me to sheer a tear for you.

Carlos lets out a slight laugh.

Carlos: I don’t expect you to. Goodbye my son until we meet again.

A skimmer of light appeared as his father vanished. Tijo finally returned to his world and as he slowly awaken from what seem to be a dream. He started to rub his head as he slowly started to sit up but he knew it wasn’t a dream but the beginning of his destiny.

To be continue

Chapter 5 Confession

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