New Clues, Mysterious, and Discovery's

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Third Person pov:
After Adorabat was done being hyper over her true dream she then calmed down.

Police departments HQ

Mao Mao: Well I'm going to go take a walk around town Adorabat do you want to come with me?

Adorabat: Ok sure maybe something interesting might happen while were outside.

Bagerclops: You two go on without me I got some repairs that I got to do and I wouldn't want to ruin you Father and Daughter time (he said jokingly) but when I'm done I'll try to catch up.

Adorabat: (confused) Father and Daughter?

Mao Mao: LET'S GET GOING NOW ADORABAT! (as he said blushing a bit at Bagerclops statement).

Out in town

Third person pov: As they were walking around town one thought came into Mao Mao mind that left him very convulsed.

Mao Mao: Hey Adorabat remember when were still on Tayna's Airo Truck when I was trying to save Bagerclops.

Adorabat: Yeah why?

Mao Mao: Well it was right after you crashed the Airo cycle into the ocean and then you noticed me and Tayna had worked things out so why did you ask her to live with us?

Adorabat: Oh that. Well she seemed really cool to me and sence you guys were friends in the past I thought you want to stay more closer to each other than being apart.

Mao Mao: (He began to wonder why Adorabat would want to keep him and Tanya close together) Does she see me and her being together or something different (he mumbled).

Adorabat: You say something Mao Mao?

Mao Mao: No I was just thinking to myself.

Adorabat: You've been thinking alot today is there something that is bothering you?

Mao Mao: Well I've mostly been thinking if Tanya doing ok out there by herself and what kind's of criminals she has to face by herself.

Adorabat: oh so you are worried about her that's cute but I think she'll be fine she seem tough though it would be nice if she could work with us like a family I-I mean team (as she smiled awkwardly at Mao Mao).

Mao mao: ?

Third person pov:

As they were done talking about there thoughts they both realized that they had walk to the town dump and in the corner of both of there eyes they saw something green and cloth like hanging off a pipe they both ran up to the pipe.

Adorabat: I've seen this green scarf before she said.

Mao Mao: (Instantly putting two and two together and came to the realization) This-This is Tayna's scarf but what's it doing here and where is she? (he said in a frantic voice)

Adorabat: Mao Mao I'm scared for her we don't know where she was taken too and who even took her in the first place.

Mao Mao: Calm down Adorabat we don't even know if she even got kidnapped yet or at all. Let's look around here and try and find something that can give us a hint to where she might be.

Adorabat: Ok I'll search high you go low and see what you find.

Mao Mao: Hey that's my line.

Third person pov: After searching for some time Mao Mao did eventually find something.

Mao Mao: ADORABAT! I think I found something.

Adorabat: I'm here and what in the bag?

Mao Mao: I don't know let's see (as he untied the rope holding what ever was in it).

Third person pov: As they opened it it revealed a small mouse that looked pretty beat up.

Mao Mao: Who are you?

Thief Mouse: I'm Bandy the Thief Mouse I'm been in this bag for awhile thanks to that bounty hunter who caught me.

Mao Mao: Wait bounty hunter was she a red/violet tanuki that had low seducing voice and green scarf around her neck?

Bandy: Yeah that's her she came after me because of my bounty because I'm a thief why what do you want with her?

Adorabat: Well we're the sheriff's around these parts which mean your under arrest and second you'll tell us everything you know about what happened before Tanya got kidnapped.

Mao Mao: Hey that my lines I-I yes what my deputy said.

Bandy: And if I don't (he said with an attitude).

Mao Mao: Then well make things a hell of a nightmare for you if you don't cooperate with us (as Mao Mao pulled out Geraldine and put it to his neck as a threat)

Bandy: Ok Ok you win I'll tell you everything that I saw before I got knocked out.

Meanwhile at some remote area

Third person pov: We now come back too where Tanya is as she just starts to wake up from being knocked out and begins recalling all that happened up tell now.

Tanya: (All in though) Ugh my head where am I? Last I checked I was at the town dump trying to catch Bandy the thief mouse which I did do but then I heard a loud scream. When I checked it out I saw some snake with pink armor and some gorilla arms talking too what looked like one of his friends but then they said something about Mittens and how they could defeat him after hearing that I just had to listen in more. After hearing what they were going too do with Mittens and his little one I wanted to run and tell him everything I just heard so he'd know ahead of time. But before I could go grab Bandy and get to the airo truck I had some type of metal warp around me and before I could look up I was out.

Tayna: So now it seems like I'm in some kind of jail cell. GREAT JUST GREAT how am I going to tell Mittens that so crazy snake ape is after him and his little one.

Third person pov:
Right after she was done talking out loud a large figure appeared before she could make a move.

Orangusnake: Well well well so that why you ease dropped on me and my crew. See you would be fine if you weren't one of sheriff Mao Mao's friends but hey at least we got you thanks to Ramaraffe and Ratarang and now it time to use our new plan that Boss Hosstrich and I came up with so you can just sit tight and wait for you new in mates.

Tanya: DON'T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON MITTENS OR HIS LITTLE ONE OR I'LL-(she said out of anger and protection for Mittens and his little one)

Orangusnake: You'll what you can't do anything too me at least not while your behind bars and beside if your that worried about your boy friend then you can watch it all from your cell (as he pointed to a monitor in the corner that Tayna didn't notice).

Tanya: (Now blushing for not noticing that but mostly for him call Mittens her boy friend). Fine I'll just let Mittens do the work and when he saves me I'll be coming for you next so watch yourself.

Orangusnake: Yeah Yeah talk all you want your still not going anywhere anytime soon. Anyway I'm done chatting with you it's time we put this plan into action and finally get a win for us. Be seeing you with a new inmate (as he left Tanya all alone).

Tayna: Mittens please be careful and you too his little hope of light (as she prayed for the both of them).

Well that was a lot longer than the first chapter I want to try and make the other chapter this long so I can explain the story more and have it entertained you guys alot longer.

But otherwise tell me what you thought of this chapter and I'll see you guys in part 3.

Mao Mao & Tanya Keys story of true love Volume 1 (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ