The true love of reuniting

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Ramaraffe: Hey wait a minute aren't you that Mouse that was with the Sheriff's girlfriend (she questioned).

Ratarang: Yeah your right it is him. Well boss I say the more members the more we can have to stop the sheriff's and his team.

Orangusnake: Hmmmm thief mouse you say you remind me of another Mouse I meat up with in my younger years who had a team of four but was more into nabbing others treasure than out right stealing. Though he would just steal dependent of his situation. Well sure your in I assume you know what the plan is sence you heard everything.

Bandy: You got that right.

Orangusnake: Great then for now grab that converter and hook it too the ruby pure heart and THAT GOES FOR THE REST YOU MY MINIONS (He said outloud)!

As they all got to doing so the converter started to take out the negative energy stored up in ruby pure heart and it began to go into a room where it filled a suit of armor

Orangusnake: Yes Yes it's all going according to plan now all we need to do is stall each group for time so that way the "Pure evil armor" can change up. MINIONS go and scatter and distract Mao Mao and his girlfriend group (he ordered).

As the two groups were running there ways around Orangusnake ship trying to reunite with each other it began to get dangerous as his minions were now on the losses

Tanya: (As she heard the sound of someone walking not running) Let try and hide for now (she said abruptly).

Adorabat: (As she heard the walking as well) But what if it's Mao Mao then we shouldn't have to hide at all right?

Tanya: If Mittens was coming he would be running to find us and I would also hear Bagerclops footsteps.  This is one person steps I hear.

As she said her last part the footsteps stopped and everything got quite which made Tanya even more ready for what was coming. After a few seconds Ramaraffe came out with her head speeding around the corner

Ramaraffe: You won't be hiding anytime soon while I'm hear (as her body caught up with her head blocking the way).

Adorabat: Looks like we will have to fight (she said as she got into a ready position).

Tanya: (As she was trying to size up her enemy) You may have gotten me before but this time things are different (as she pulled out some leaves ready to be thrown).

Ramaraffe: Well it looks like it's just you and me sence I don't have too worry about the runt right there (as she pointed out Adorabat).

Adorabat: HEY!

Tanya: How dare you insult her like that she beaten you before has she not (she said defending her daughter).

Ramaraffe: What are you her mother or something. Well whatever this time it I'll be different.

Adorabat: Well just see about that (she said with anger).

Just as Tanya threw one of her leaves which then turned into an anchor. Just before it could land a black and red figure came from under Ramaraffe which then stood up and pulled out a golden sword

Mao Mao: DON'T EVEN TRY TO HURT THEM OR YOUR REGRET IT (he yell with the upmost seriousness)!

Tanya: (Shocked by who she saw in front of her) M-Mittens (as she was at a lost of words).

Adorabat: Daddy you came after all (she said with happiness).

Mao Mao: Of course I came for the both of you. Now get ready (as he ordered the two of them)!

Mao Mao & Tanya Keys story of true love Volume 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now