Adorabat and Tayna moments of sadness and comfort

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After the gruesome battle that took place at Pure Heart Valley town dump we now see a still knock out Adorabat hit the floor of a cell that already had a broken hearted Tayna in it

Tanya: (Was still crying over the battle that took place when she then heard the door open already knowing who it was) YOU SON OF A BITCH! (she yelled as Orangusnake and his crew came into view) How could you do that to a child you could have at least kept her conscious.

Orangusnake: Hmmmm well let's see One I'm the villain knocking her out made everything easy for myself if she was conscious then there might have been a chance she would have escaped. Second it not like she broke anything in her body she just knocked out like calm down are you her mother or something (Tanya blushed at moment) And last now that I have you and Mao Mao kid his team will be even weaker when he comes to face me again.

Tanya: We'll find some way to get out and then your dead for what you've done to Mittens and Adorabat.

Orangusnake: Oh wow so scared (he said in a mocking tone) we'll see about that when the time comes but for now enjoy your new roommate.

Orangusnake had now left the jail cell room which only left Tayna with an unconscious Adorabat or so she thought

Tanya: That guy really pissed me off (she said in anger) now I know what Mittens really is talking about with them being very notorious.

Adorabat: Ughhh huh where am I?

Tanya: Your with me kid how are you feeling? Dose anything hurt or is anything broken (she ask in very deep concern while checking around her).

As soon as Adorabat saw Tanya she rushed at her with a hug

Adorabat: Fine now that I get to have my hug that you owe me.

Tanya: (Now just surprised by her hug) Glad to see your doing well Adorabat (As she returned her hug). Oh now that your here do you happen to know where my green scarf went?

Adorabat: Me and Mao Mao found it at the dump hanging off a pipe so Mao Mao has it on him at the time sorry (she said with a sad look on her face also realizing how she got in here as well).

Tanya: Hey it's okay if Mittens has it then that's all that matters for right now. (Sigh) Mittens (she said with a sad look on her face).

Adorabat: Hey Tanya why do you call Mao Mao Mittens all the time?

Tanya: Well that's a story that takes me back to when we worked together.

Adorabat: PLEASE TELL ME!, PLEASE TELL ME! (she said with excitement to learn more about Mao Mao).

Tanya: Alright came down (she said in a motherly voice) "It was way back when me and your fathe- I mean Mao Mao (as she corrected herself while blushing a bit) still worked together when I first met him. We had just got done taking care of a monster together and I noticed that he had got a cut on his paw.

"Into the flashback"

Younger Tanya: Hey you got a cut on your hand let me help you out.

Younger Mao Mao: Eh it's fine it doesn't hurt that much anyway (he said with confidence).

Younger Tanya: But it could get disinfected with something then it will hurt even more (as she put her hand on top of Mao Mao's cut hand)

Younger Mao Mao: But-(as he was cut off)

Younger Tanya: But nothing (as she took of his green glove and noticed hand go to a paw) Awwwwww your hands look so cute (she said awestruck)

Younger Mao Mao: (Going red from the sudden jester) Th-they are not cute there manly (as he tried to convince to her).

Younger Tanya: Whatever you say Mittens (as she started laughing at him).

Younger Mao Mao: Mi-Mittens (he said getting even more red than before).

Younger Tanya: Whhhhat they look like cute little Mittens on someone's hands for the winter when it's cold (as she started to laugh once more at his super red face)

"Back to present day"

Tanya: And ever sense that day he's always let me call him Mittens and that's the story on why I call your father Mittens.

Adorabat: Father as in Mao Mao?

Tanya: (Now blushing after just realizing what she just said but then thought about it more) Well yeah he would be your father since he takes care of you and teaches you how to be like him.

Adorabat: I wonder what it would be like to have a mother? (She thought in the moment)

Tanya: Well don't you have a mother or father that you came from?

Adorabat: No I never really had parents before one day I just hatched and I was in the middle of nowhere but I think was within Pure Heart Valley (Not really understanding what all that meant).

Tanya: (In just utter shock that Adorabat parents just abandoned her when she wasn't even born yet) I'm so sorry that happened to you I can't begin to think what must have gone through there mind when they... Nevermind I'm glad Mittens picked you up and I can see why your his little light of hope and I hope you can be mine as well (she said with a smile).

Adorabat: Yeah I'm glad I found Mao Mao too because if it wasn't for him my life would be soooooo boring and I wouldn't have been able to meet you or Bagerclops. (Then she realized) The more I think about it you been acting like a mother too ever sense I got here.

Tanya: (Blushing even more because of the context of what Adorabat just said) I-I didn't know you see me like that I'm flattered but I don't know if Mao Mao would be fine with this.

Adorabat: Why wouldn't he be just earlier today he told me he was thinking about you and how hard your job must be all by yourself and he seemed very worried about you.

Tanya: (Blushing lightly) Mittens he been making my heart go a flutter ever sense I've been kidnapped (she thought).

Adorabat: I can see why he likes you but do you like him back (she asked curiously).

Tanya: (Blushing ten times harder now) Promise not to tell anyone not even Mao Mao.

Adorabat: Yeah I promise not to tell anyone and keep this between us girls (As she swore to it).

Tanya: Good girl then yes I do like Mao Mao and I would like too stay with you guys when this is all over with (she said with a smile).

Adorabat: Yayyy I have a mother now (as she flew over to Tanya and hugged her).

Tanya: And I'm happy were together right now my sweet little girl (as she hugged her back with love and care) Now if we could find a way out of here we could then meet up with Mao Mao and discuss this whole matter.

After the whole heartwarming session within Orangusnake jail cell he was now about ready to release plan two of his evil plan to take over Pure Heart Kingdom.

Orangusnake: Alright boys and one girl it time to get the second plan of our underway. Now that we have defeated sheriff Mao Mao it's time to go after Pure Heart Valley and the next big target were going after is the ruby pure heart.

Ramaraffe: Uhhhhh boss how are we going to do that when our ship can't even fly.

Orangusnake: Simple we just use the kinda old car battery to get the ship up to where the pure heart is once we make it we just throw the converters into the pure and it will give us energy for days which will play a big roll when it comes to the third plan (he said with an evil smile).

Ratarang: And what will we do if Mao Mao comes back to stop us.

Orangusnake: Well let's just say we've got something special for him if he makes it back somehow.
Well that will do it for this part like I've said before tell me what you think about this story by commenting and I'll see you guys in part 5

Mao Mao & Tanya Keys story of true love Volume 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now