Team Mao Mao VS Team Orangusnake

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Bagerclops: Well while y'all had your family moment I found out that the Ruby Pure Heart negative energy is being drained and being contained somewhere on this ship.

Bao Bao: Grrrrrrrrr (For the energy to be stolen it would have to be at the very top of the ship. Tanya did you or Adorabat see and thing of interest before you meet up with Mao Mao).

Tanya: No I didn't really see anything because both of our priorities were to find Mittens and stop Orangusnake.

Bagerclops: Wait seriously you can understand that dog but-but how (he asked with alot of confusion).

Tanya: Just like Mittens I learned how understand how dog talks when they just bark. But that not important right now.

Adorabat: Both you and mom are so cool (she said to Mao Mao).

Mao Mao: (As he just smiled at what Adorabat said) So then our main priority is to keep our guard up of any of his minions that are around his ship and make it to the top before the hearts energy is gone (He said in a serious tone).

Everyone else: RIGHT and one BARK (they all yelled!)

Afterwards they all ran and tried to make it to the top

Meanwhile with Orangusnake

Orangusnake: Yes there only 10 minutes left until the ruby pure heart is completely drained and my armor will be complete. Just got to stall Mao Mao and his group for just a little longer.

As Mao Mao and friends were runing thought the halls they were then stopped by Ratarang

Ratarang: I can't let you guy's go any further (he said halting the group).

Bagerclops: You guys go on ahead I'll deal with my old foe (he said in a serious tone).

Mao Mao: (Just rolling his eyes) Fine we'll let you get your revenge on the rat that you lost to (he said in a voice that could care less).

Bagerclops: HEY you lost to the sky pirates as well don't give me that tone (he said snapping back at him).

Mao Mao: (Shotting Bagerclops an evil glare but was then cut off by Tanya).

Tanya: Save it you two (she said in a hard tone). Mao Mao let's just leave him here an head on to the top of the airship.

Mao Mao: Fine when your done dealing with the rat met us at the top got it.

Bagerclops: Yeah whatever just go.

Adorabat: Be careful Bagerclops (she said in a worried tone).

Bagerclops: Just go kid I'll be fine (he said with confidence).

As the other left it was now just Bagerclops and Ratarang in a stand off position

Ratarang: Well looks like it just me and you again and I see you really want to get revenge on me for what I did to you last time.

Bagerclops: Na man I just want to humiliate you that all (he said in a relaxed tone).

Ratarang: Ha Ha very funny we'll see who laughing once I'm done with you again (he said in an evil tone).

As for Mao Mao and the others

Adorabat: Daddy do you think it was ok for us to leave Bagerclops all by himself (she asked in a worried tone).

Mao Mao: He'll be fine if anything I know this time he doesn't plan on losing to a rat again.

Mao Mao & Tanya Keys story of true love Volume 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now