Crushing Defeats and New Realization

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After there horrendous battle with Orangusnake. Mao Mao and Bagerclops were now just sitting at the dump. Mao Mao completely devastated over him now losing two important people in his life.

Mao Mao: Nooooo (he said in a loud scream) Dammit how am I going to get Adorabat back now. I failed her and Tanya as a hero (as he pulled out Tayna green scarf and looked at it in shame).

Bagerclops: Bro calm down and let's think this out rationally. Orangusnake wants this because it making you look like this right now.

Mao Mao: Well I know he's always wanted me to look like this but I never thought he would actually accomplish what he wants in life.

Badgerclops: I always thought of the day we would lose to them but didn't think it would be this soon but that because I let my guard down.

Mao Mao: You literally had a rat just run all over your body and arm while I got slammed to the ground and punched in the front and back of my head. I don't think that was letting your guard down (he said as his eyes narrowed down some).

Bagerclops: Hey man you try having that rat run all over when your trying to battle (he said in defense). It was very distracting and because I'm a ranged attacker Ratarang getting up close made me pretty useless in that fight. Not to mention you also left me in the dust with his other three minions at the start all because Adorabat went to go fight Orangusnake in a battle I knew she couldn't win on her own.

Mao Mao: Hey don't say that she saw an opportunity so she took it. Besides if there is anyone to blame then it would be me for not trusting her in the moment and for leaving you with all his minions. If I can't even trust my partners then how can I be a leader let alone a great hero (he said in disappointment).

Bagerclops: Bro (he said with a bit of sadness).

Back on Orangusnake ship within the jail cells. A few minutes ago the monitor turned on and two girls heard everything the boys had just talked about

Adorabat: Mao Mao right I did get in the way. I forgot to help Badgerclops when he needed it the most (she said in a sad tone).

Tanya: Hey it'll be ok kiddo I know what you did was a kind and helpful  but it doesn't mean you can rush up to an enemy you know nothing about and attack all about (she said in a motherly tone).When you do that the enemy has advantage over you because your being reckless but when you have a plan or even a strategy on how to take them out then you'll be fine. When it's a enemy you don't know you still don't want to rush at them as well because you never know what they might have on them (she said a bit more seriously).

Adorabat: But I failed Mao Mao and didn't even attack Orangusnake at all only for him too knock me out so how am I going to be a great hero if I can't even help the people right next to me (she said with tears in her eyes).

Tanya: Hey look at me (she said in a motherly tone as she put her hand on Adorabats face raising it up to her eye level) you haven't failed Mao Mao or me. Sure were in here now but that doesn't mean were going to be here forever. There are people who care about us and they will come and save us then once were free we work together and stop Orangusnake and that when you can try and take him down again but this time not alone all by yourself (she said all of this referring to Mao Mao and Bagerclops).

Adorabat: (her tears dry up as she hugged Tanya) Thanks Mommy (she said with new hope).

Tanya: (taken aback by what say was called) Anything for you my little angel (As they hugged each other).

Back with Mao Mao and Bagerclops

Mao Mao: (looking at Tanya green scarf in his hand) Well I refuse to sit hear and let Tanya and Adorabat rot in jail. It's time we pick ourselves up and try and fight the hard fight (he said determined with hope).

Badgerclops: Wow dude I was expecting you too just sit there and weep and complain some more but here you are ready too save them. What been making you change all of a sudden (he asked with his eyebrows up giving a "I know you have a secret look").

Mao Mao: (Blushing at the Bagerclops jestered) Shut up it-it just what a good hero would do. Anyway you said they were in a cave right.

Bagerclops: Yeah there ship in a cave but we need a plan first, maybe like one more person or animal to come with us since it just you and me right now. Also we have to go back to HQ so we could put Bandy behind bars for the time until we get Tanya back.

Mao Mao: Speaking of Bandy where is he? (As Mao Mao looked around).

Bagerclops: I thought you had him (He said looking at Mao Mao)?

Mao Mao: I thought you were holding him (he retorted back).

As they both asked questions they then found the bag Bandy was in but it was empty but there was a note inside it.

Brandy's note: By the time you are reading this I have already gotten away from you two losers and have probably moved on to something other place. Next time don't feel sorry for yourself when you lose your girlfriend and your kid to some snake ape. Signed: Bandy The Thief Mouse.

Bagerclops: Well shit it looks like he got away too and boy is Tanya going to be mad with you when she find out that you let here bounty get away (he said pointing a finger at Mao Mao)

Mao Mao: Me! But you were the closest one to him (said with a bit of anger)

Bagerclops: I don't know what your talking about (he said acting like he knew nothing of the situation).

Just as they were about to argue they both they both heard a piece of garbage fall from some hill and when they looked up they say a silhouette of what looked like an animal or some monster. As it came into view Mao Mao instantly noticed who it was.

Mao Mao: YOU! What are you doing here (he asked)?


Well I think that will do it for now. One thing I do want to say is I have noticed this story made to rank #2 on the listing for all MaoMao type story and I just want say thank you for all the people who have just tooken the time to read this story that has been in my head for a while. Besides all that I wonder who well see in the next part see you guys in part 6.

Mao Mao & Tanya Keys story of true love Volume 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now