The unexpected battle to come

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Back with Mao Mao and Bandy

Bandy: And after she captured me we both heard a loud scream coming from the other side of this place so she went to go check it out I was too beat up too move so I just stayed put as she took me with her.

Mao Mao: What did you see when you got to the other side?

Bandy: We both saw a large snake with pink armor and some kind of ape in the middle of the armor along with a ostrich. And the snake looked very angry.

Both: (Yelling Orangusnake out loud in realization and anger).

Bandy: The next part I didn't hear to well but he said that he wanted to take down some sheriff that had caused him trouble in the past and it would start with him taking some bat away or something I don't know.

Mao Mao: Some bat that sounds like Adorabat. And they want to take you away or more as hostage to make me fear them but the question is how will they get Adorabat?

Adorabat: Mao Mao I don't like where this is going because if they want me they really want to put you out of your misery (She said with fear and worry).

Mao Mao: (with reassurance) don't worry kid I won't let them take you away. They may have gotten Tanya but not you and-

Bandy: If I can finish without you guys getting all sad and worried. Right as they were getting ready to finish up there conversation I looked back and saw a big graffiti and some rat come quietly around and that when we were attacked and that how your girl got kidnapped and I left here.

After he said all this is when Bagerclops showed up hearing everything they just talked about

Bagerclops: Hey you guys I just heard everything and I have a pretty good idea where the sky pirates might be.

Mao Mao: Bagerclops did you figure out where they were hiding or did you just see one of them on your way here?

Bagerclops: The first one is correct. There in a cave with there ship I think that is also where Tanya is.

Mao Mao: Ok so now we just have to find that cave and then find a way to get on board there ship but then (as he began to think by himself for a few minutes)

Bagerclops: Hey so who "The Rat in the Bag" as he said jokingly.

Adorabat: He's one of Tanya criminal that she was hunting down before she got captured. So far he been kind of testy with us we got him to say a few things.

Bagerclops: Oh well that's cool we should probably just take him back to HQ and keep him behind bars until we get Tanya back right Mao.

Mao Mao: That would be the best course of action right now and then we should try and find that cave you were talking about Bagerclops.

Just as they were about to grab Bandy and take him to HQ

Orangusnake: Not so fast sheriff!

All three of them: Sky Pirates!

Mao Mao: What have you done with Tanya! (He said in rage)

Orangusnake: Oh don't worry about your girlfriend she in a very safe place.

Bagerclops: Oh he got you right there man.

Mao Mao:(Blushing from what he just said) Whatever you'll hand her back or I'll make you really pay for it.

From Tanya jail cell

Mao Mao & Tanya Keys story of true love Volume 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now