One last desperation

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As each them stood there with there weapons out they glare at each other for only a quick second before the both of them dashed at each other

Orangusnake: You've been a pain in the ass to deal with ever sense that day you and Bagerclops came and destroyed most of my crew (he said in anger as they clashed weapon).

Adorabat: Well you been a pain in our sides as well. We always have to deal with you and your lackeys most of the time and then you even destroyed out house which took forever to rebuild (she said in frustration as she started throwing smoke bombs at him).

Orangusnake: (as he backed away from the smoke) Ahhh I see you got some new tricks up your sleeve kid but alittle smoke is not going to stop me.

Mao Mao: (as he went around Orangusnake and rush to do a back attack on him) BUT I WILL (he yelled)!

Orangusnake: (Turning around just in time to stop him) Ugh so this is how you plan to take me out by just using distractions please and I thought you guys were great at this (he taunted).

Mao Mao: Were better than just using parlor tricks we use teamwork to get the job done (as he was done saying that Adorabat came in at full speed).

Adorabat: LIKE THIS (she yelled as she slammed into Orangusnake stomach "which is where Coby is for those who don't know")!

This caused Orangusnake to keel down but only for a bit

Orangusnake: How dare you attack Coby like that you little runt (as he got up and switch the ax to a sword and started slashing at Adorabat).

Mao Mao: (Before she could even got hit by any of the slashes) I won't let you lay finger on her (as he was blocking the shots with his own).

Meanwhile back with Bagerclops and Ratarang

Ratarang: (Dodging most of his arm shots) Man you must have a terrible aim or something if you can't even hit me (as he taunted but only for short as he got shot).

Bagerclops: You shouldn't let your guard down like that because then you leave yourself vulnerable plus all you've been doing is just dodging my attacks which must have you very tired while I haven't even moved a muscle (he said all of that while still making shots at Ratarang).

Ratarang: Grrrrrr shut up tubby (as he turned into a boomerang and launched himself at Bagerclops)

Unfortunately for him Bagerclops moved out the way and dodged

Bagerclops: Sorry bro but it looks like I win this one (as caught Ratarang and slammed him to the ground and charged up his arm cannon ready to fire at him) any last word rodent.

Ratarang: You'll never beat our boss with his armor powered up.

Bagerclops: (Taking note of what he said) Never call me tubby again (as he fired at Ratarang).

After the energy beam was done Ratarang was knocked out and left in more ways than one rot

Bagerclops: Now to catch up with Mao Mao and tell him what the energy has been going too (as he ran off).

Now with Tanya and Bandy

Bandy: (As he just broke one of Tanya fakes) Dammit another fake which one of these bitches is the real one (he said aloud for Tanya to hear).

Tanya: That's no way to talk about a lady (as all the fakes disappeared) you should learn so manners (as she kick him in the back of the head).

Mao Mao & Tanya Keys story of true love Volume 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now